Country policy development for chlorhexidine 7.1% introduction for umbilical cord care

This policy guidance document is divided into 13 different areas: Country policy development Registration Planning Financing Revised program guidelines, Essential Medicines List (EML), and reporting and recording forms Training of health workers and community partners (community health worker/relais) ACSM strategies Forecasting and quantification Procurement Distribution Health system strengthening Quality and safety Monitoring and evaluation

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Treatment of childhood pneumonia at the community level with amoxicillin dispersible tablets

Pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death in children in the developing world, killing about 1.2 million children under five per year. The number of children with pneumonia symptoms who receive medical care is extremely low, and as a result, they are not properly treated with antibiotics. A child receiving antibiotic treatment within … Read more

Adopting the Pharmacovigilance Monitoring System for the Philippines National Tuberculosis Program

The Department of Health-Pharmaceutical Division (DOH-PD) and National TB Program (NTP) in the Philippines adopted the web‐based application Pharmacovigilance Monitoring System (PViMS) to ensure systematic data collection and simplify the analysis of medicine safety information. PViMS is a free web tool developed by SIAPS to help clinicians, regulatory bodies, and implementing partners monitor medicine safety, … Read more

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SIAPS by the Numbers

This infographic provides an overview of select SIAPS interventions and results in line with six core health system functions: governance; capacity building; information for decision-making; financing; supply chain; and pharmaceutical services.

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Strengthening the Department of Health’s Warehouse Management System in the Philippines

The goal of warehouse operations is to satisfy client needs and requirements while effectively utilizing space, equipment, and labor. Warehouse management refers to the monitoring, control, and optimization of warehouse and transportation systems. The objectives of this assessment were to review the existing warehouse management system, including space, equipment, tools, and processes, and identify key requirements … Read more

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Laboratory Network Monitoring Guide

The Philippines National TB Program’s (NTP) laboratory network strategic plan (LNSP) aims to improve access to quality laboratory services, including establishing new facilities, adopting new diagnostic technologies, and strengthening the laboratory systems. The implementation of laboratory network (LNW) strengthening plans and the performance of the LNW require a comprehensive monitoring of activities to detect problems, … Read more

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Process of implementing e-TB Manager, 2008-2016: a summary of 10 countries

A multicountry user experience analysis of e-TB Manager and an in-depth study in Ukraine were published. However, the procedural aspects of e-TB Manager implementation in each country were not documented. While facilitators and barriers for eHealth implementation in resource-constrained settings are well known, the objective of this paper is to summarize the tailored implementation approaches given local context, which … Read more

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SIAPS Showcases Key Approaches at Africa’s Medicine Regulation Conference, Accra, Ghana

The 3rd Biennial Scientific Conference on Medical Products Regulation in Africa (SCOMRA), which took place November 27–28, 2017, in Accra, Ghana, focused on “Sustaining the Momentum for Regulatory Harmonization in Africa.” Participants and presenters shared their experiences and lessons learned to contribute to the future of medical products regulation and harmonization in Africa. Staff from … Read more

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Rapid Evaluation of the Medicines Registration System in Benin

The director of the Department of Pharmacy, Medicines, and Diagnostics (DPMED) wishes to adopt suitable software to strengthen the registration system for medicines and other health products. Although computerization yields improvements in the management of regulatory information, its effectiveness will largely depend on the presence of adequate medicines registration procedures and the system’s overall compliance with … Read more

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