SIAPS final report showcases achievements across 46 countries. Interventions are described by intermediate results and health areas and demonstrate how SIAPS successfully worked with a range of stakeholders, including Ministries of Health, to bolster pharmaceutical systems and address country-specific needs.
The Department of Health-Pharmaceutical Division (DOH-PD) and National TB Program (NTP) in the Philippines adopted the web‐based application Pharmacovigilance Monitoring System (PViMS) to ensure systematic data collection and simplify the analysis of medicine safety information. PViMS is a free web tool developed by SIAPS to help clinicians, regulatory bodies, and implementing partners monitor medicine safety, … Read more
The Philippines has one of the highest TB burdens in the world—and 2.6% of its more than 286,000 new cases in 2015 were of multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). This threatens the progress the country has made in addressing the deadly disease over the past few decades and its goal to make the country TB-free by 2030. … Read more
The user guide primarily serves as a reference in reporting an adverse event (AE) through PViMS. It also serves to guide reporters and investigators in completing a correct and accurate AE report. This guide outlines the key data needed, starting from the initial alert to the completion of an AE report in PViMS.
SIAPS supported the Swaziland Ministry of Health (MOH) in mobilizing key stakeholders from the Swaziland National AIDS Program and the National Tuberculosis Control Program to introduce and implement an active surveillance system for patients on ARVs and anti-TB treatment. SIAPS provided technical assistance to MOH’s National Pharmacovigilance Unit (NPVU) to develop the protocol and tools to implement … Read more
SIAPS, in partnership with the FDA, NTP, and LCP-NCPR, conducted a readiness assessment to determine the current information technology (IT) infrastructure, human resources, processes, and data management and quality control mechanisms available and to identify gaps in the current PV recording and reporting of patients in the seven Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant TB (PMDT) treatment … Read more
Georgia is one of the first countries to benefit from the USAID‑Janssen Therapeutics bedaquiline (BDQ) donation program. Along with delamanid, BDQ is one of only two new TB medicines released to the market in over 40 years. These medicines are being used for the treatment of MDR-TB patients, as well as TB patients who have … Read more