The Directorate of Drugs and Medical Supplies (DDMS) plays a key role in providing technical guidance and setting strategic direction in policy formulation, service delivery, standards, laws and regulations, and objectives for the pharmaceutical sector in Sierra Leone. It is also involved in stakeholders’ collaboration and coalition building, resource mobilization and deployment of resources, monitoring, … Read more
Since May 2016, the Directorate of Drugs and Medical Supplies (DDMS) and SIAPS have supported district health management teams (DHMTs) to implement the continuous results monitoring and support system (CRMS) in their respective health facilities. By the end of 2017, 10 of the 13 districts and more than 1,000 health facilities had conducted three rounds … Read more
The pharmaceutical sector in Sierra Leone faces several challenges. The Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), in collaboration with different partners, is in the process of strengthening the capacity of district and peripheral health facilities (hospitals and peripheral health units (PHUs)) to ensure an uninterrupted supply of essential medicines, manage supply chain activities through an … Read more
The purpose of this SOP is to describe the procedures and activities of ADRAC in the review and evaluation of ADE reports received by ADRMC. It is applicable to all ADE reports received for medicinal products, including Unani, Ayurvedic, herbal, homeopathic and biochemical systems of drugs, vaccines, and biological products.
The purpose of this SOP is to outline the management of spontaneous reporting of ADEs by the ADRMC. It is applicable to medicinal products, including Unani, Ayurvedic, herbal, homeopathic, and biochemical systems of drugs, vaccines, and biological products. The SOP has been written to describe the procedures to be used by ADRMC members to collect, … Read more
SIAPS helped improve pharmaceutical product quality by building the capacity of the Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council (NMRC) to review medicine registration dossiers; inspect pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities and finished (imported) products at ports of entry and in the marketplace; to chemically test medicines compliance with established standards; and monitor overall compliance with applicable regulatory standards and … Read more
DPMED is responsible for registration of medicines prior to importation by licensed importers and their use by health providers and consumers. However, the department is hindered in execution of its mandate because of several challenges. The extent of illegal and unregistered medicines in circulation is not uncommon. DPMED is constrained by its capacity to effectively … Read more
The Directorate for Drugs and Medical Supplies (DDMS) plays a key role in providing technical guidance and setting strategic direction in policy formulation, service delivery, standards, laws and regulations, and objectives for the pharmaceutical sector in Sierra Leone. It is also involved in stakeholders’ collaborations and coalition building, resource mobilization and deployment of resources, and … Read more
The purpose of this SOP is to provide guidance to DGDA officials on the steps required to conduct PMS of medicinal products available in retail and wholesale pharmacies, drug shops, and outlets. It is applicable to medicinal products, including traditional complementary and alternative medicines (TCAM), vaccines, and biological products.
In November 2016, at the request of USAID/Benin, SIAPS conducted a rapid assessment of the medicines registration system of the Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Explorations Diagnostiques (DPMED) in Benin and made recommendations to address the challenges arising from its current information system. The assessment identified opportunities to improve regulatory processes for … Read more