Project dates: September 2011-September 2016
Project dates: September 2011-September 2016
The National Tuberculosis Program’s strategic direction for the laboratory services is to improve access to laboratory services so that all high-risk TB patients are tested using World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) as the initial diagnostic procedure, particularly the Xpert MTB/RIF assay (Xpert). This entails the strengthening of the laboratory network (LNW) and … Read more
The National TB Reference Laboratory (NTRL) organized two planning workshops to assist the 17 Department of Health (DOH) regional NTP teams in developing their action plans for the expansion of the rapid TB diagnostic laboratories (RTDLs) and for strengthening the laboratory systems. The objectives of the workshop were to assist the regional NTP teams in … Read more
The National TB Program has embarked on the new Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan Phase One: 2017–2022, setting targets and objectives to significantly reduce TB mortality and prevalence by 2022. Among the key activities in the plan is to ensure the access of all priority patients to rapid TB diagnosis along with drug susceptibility testing … Read more
In line with the objective of the Department of Health (DOH) to strengthen supply chain management for pharmaceuticals and health commodities and ensure access for all Filipinos, this technical assistance aimed to support the DOH in strengthening demand and supply planning for pharmaceuticals. The assistance aimed to facilitate consensus building to harmonize demand and supply … Read more
SIAPS and its predecessor programs have assisted numerous countries in strengthening governance to promote robust decision making, enhance accountability, reduce opportunities for corruption, and improve efficiencies to enable better access to and use of quality-assured medicines. This compendium draws on these experiences and provides a collection of examples of strategies and approaches for strengthening governance … Read more
The Department of Health-Pharmaceutical Division (DOH-PD) and National TB Program (NTP) in the Philippines adopted the web‐based application Pharmacovigilance Monitoring System (PViMS) to ensure systematic data collection and simplify the analysis of medicine safety information. PViMS is a free web tool developed by SIAPS to help clinicians, regulatory bodies, and implementing partners monitor medicine safety, … Read more
The goal of warehouse operations is to satisfy client needs and requirements while effectively utilizing space, equipment, and labor. Warehouse management refers to the monitoring, control, and optimization of warehouse and transportation systems. The objectives of this assessment were to review the existing warehouse management system, including space, equipment, tools, and processes, and identify key requirements … Read more
The Philippines National TB Program’s (NTP) laboratory network strategic plan (LNSP) aims to improve access to quality laboratory services, including establishing new facilities, adopting new diagnostic technologies, and strengthening the laboratory systems. The implementation of laboratory network (LNW) strengthening plans and the performance of the LNW require a comprehensive monitoring of activities to detect problems, … Read more
The Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Project, funded by the US Agency for International Development, helps countries promote access to safe, quality, and cost-effective pharmaceuticals and health commodities by using a system strengthening approach that engages stakeholders, builds and strengthens existing health systems, or establishes a new one, if necessary. SIAPS … Read more