SIAPS and its predecessor programs have assisted numerous countries in strengthening governance to promote robust decision making, enhance accountability, reduce opportunities for corruption, and improve efficiencies to enable better access to and use of quality-assured medicines. This compendium draws on these experiences and provides a collection of examples of strategies and approaches for strengthening governance … Read more
Bangladesh, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, governance, H Walkowiak, Philippines, S Putter, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, T Hafner, Ukraine
SIAPS’ role to control malaria was recently featured in Health & Humanitarian: The Supply Chain Review. Between 2000 and 2015, malaria case incidences declined by 41% and mortality rates by 62%. However, approximately 212 million people were infected and 429,000 people died in 2015, with the majority being children under the age of 5 in … Read more
SIAPS has received funding from the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) to work in eight countries—Angola, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Guinea, Mali, and South Sudan—to strengthen pharmaceutical systems for improved malaria control. This report synthesizes the pharmaceutical systems strengthening efforts of SIAPS and documents how the approach was used to support … Read more
A Clark, A Mwansasu, Angola, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Malaria., Mali, PMI, S Doumbia, South Sudan, Technical Report
SIAPS recently published the results of its activities in eight countries (Angola, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Guinea, Mali, and South Sudan) to control malaria. This report summarizes systems strengthening interventions that support the prevention and treatment of malaria. With funding from the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and based … Read more
Project dates: September 2011- March 2017
On 17 March 2017, SIAPS Ethiopia held a closing ceremony in Addis Ababa. Guests from partner government and non-government organizations, USAID, universities and health facilities were present at the event and expressed their appreciation for the systems strengthening work SIAPS has done in Ethiopia. SIAPS has been in Ethiopia for the last five years working … Read more
This report presents results of the assessment on implementation of Auditable Pharmaceutical Transaction and Services (APTS), a package of interventions designed to improve the quality of pharmaceutical services at public health facilities. The development and implementation of this intervention has been supported by the SIAPS program, which is implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH) … Read more
accountability, APTS, Assessment, B Gulilat, D Teshome, Ethiopia, F Sebsibe, pharmaceutical services, T Assefa, Technical Report, TG Fenta, transparency
An assessment on current pharmaceutical financing, SHI and CBHI medicines coverage, and public and private sector medicines prescribing and dispensing and their costs was conducted. The SCMS program conducted an assessment that addressed the supply chain and public-private partnership implications of the expected increased demand for quality medicines and related health supplies. This report presents … Read more
By Tsion Issayas, Communications Manager for SIAPS Ethiopia. This post originally appeared on MSH’s website. Aster Amanuel Desalegn lives in Debre Markos, 190 miles from the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa. She is a 70-year-old mother of four and grandmother of two. Her granddaughters, Emuye, 6, and Blen, 8, live with her. On a trip back … Read more
MSH has implemented pharmaceutical management projects in Ethiopia since 2005, through the Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Project and the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Program and most recently the Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program. The SIAPS Program (2011 to 2016) aims to reduce morbidity and mortality, primarily for HIV and AIDS, … Read more