L’un des piliers de la sécurité des produits de planification familiale (PF) est la disponibilité continue et optimale des produits de PF. Une bonne quantification de ces produits fondée sur des évidences est un maillon essentiel dans le cadre de la sécurité des produits, car elle assure la planification et la mobilisation des ressources nécessaires, … Read more
A Bayogo, C Diallo, DM Touré, JB Evi, M Diarra, Mali, Quantification, RMNCH, S Berthé, SM Kone, Supply chain management, Technical Report
The director of the Department of Pharmacy, Medicines, and Diagnostics (DPMED) wishes to adopt suitable software to strengthen the registration system for medicines and other health products. Although computerization yields improvements in the management of regulatory information, its effectiveness will largely depend on the presence of adequate medicines registration procedures and the system’s overall compliance with … Read more
To better coordinate activities undertaken by all interested stakeholders to control the Ebola outbreak, the Malian government enacted Decision N° 2014-0850/PM-RM of November 14, 2014, resulting in the development of a contingency plan and the establishment of an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). A quantification exercise was conducted with technical assistance and financing from the SIAPS … Read more
The West Africa Regional HIV Pharmaceutical Management Information Dashboard is developed and implemented for fifteen focus West African countries for better management of HIV and AIDS commodities. The goal of the Dashboard is to capture, track, aggregate, and disseminate information about antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), rapid test kits (RTKs), and other HIV and AIDS commodities to support … Read more
D Mabirizi, F Aboagye-Nyame, guidance document, HIV/AIDS, J Adu, JB Evi, M Islam, OSPSIDA, S Doumbia, Technical Report, West Africa Regional Project
The goal of the OSPSIDA Dashboard is to capture, track, aggregate, and disseminate information about antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), rapid test kits (RTKs), and other HIV and AIDS commodities to support evidence-based decision making in the West Africa subregion. The Dashboard offers regional partners a platform through which they may easily share information on funding flows and … Read more
D Mabirizi, F Aboagye-Nyame, guidance document, HIV/AIDS, J Adu, JB Evi, M Islam, OSPSIDA, S Doumbia, Technical Report, West Africa Regional Project
The availability and quality of HIV commodity, including antiretrovirals and HIV test kits, increases the demand for HIV care services and enables the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy. In West Africa and Central Africa, stock-outs often occurred because of poor coordination and information sharing among partners and lack of a reliable early warning system. With funding … Read more
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central Africa, Guinea, HIV/AIDS, J Adu, JB Evi, Niger, OSPSIDA, Supply chain management, Technical Report, Togo, West Africa Regional Project
USAID’s West African office asked SIAPS to provide support to six countries in the West and Central African region—Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon, Guinea, Niger, and Togo—to establish a web-based regional dashboard (OSPSIDA.org) that will create an early warning system (EWS) to monitor HIV and AIDS commodities and to detect and minimize the risk of stock-out … Read more
Benin, Cameroon, dashboard, Guinea, HIV/AIDS, J Adu, JB Evi, M Islam, Mali, Niger, OSPSIDA, S Doumbia, Supply chain management, Technical Report, Togo, West Africa Regional Project
Globally, Sub-Saharan Africa remains most severely affected by HIV, accounting for 69 percent of the people living with HIV worldwide. Alerts of stock-outs of life-saving drugs for antiretroviral treatment (ART) and treating opportunistic infections have emerged from a number of countries in West Africa (WA). To address these recurrent pharmaceutical supply management issues and provide … Read more
A middle-income country in Central Africa, Cameroon had an HIV prevalence of 4.3% in 2011 in the general population 15–49 years of age (2011 DHS). The number of HIV patients on antiretroviral treatment (ART) has grown from a few hundred in 2001 to 78,000 at the end of 2009 and to 131,531 at the end … Read more
A Kane, antiretroviral, ARVs, Cameroon, Forecasting, ForLab, HIV, HIV/AIDS, JB Evi, Quantification, Supply chain management, YK Towa