La formation des acteurs du niveau périphérique sur le portail Ebola de l’outil de suivi des produits de santé (OSPSANTE) a été réalisée du 18 au 22 septembre 2017 dans la salle de conférence du COU. Elle a réuni 40 acteurs au total : deux facilitateurs de SIAPS et trois du DOU-SP et 35 prestataires … Read more
Project dates: October 2015-December 2017
Project dates: September 2015-December 2017
SIAPS Final Report showcases achievements across 46 countries. Interventions are described by intermediate results and health areas and demonstrate how SIAPS successfully worked with a range of stakeholders, including Ministries of Health, to bolster pharmaceutical systems and address country-specific needs. [button style=”download” link=”” color=”silver”]Download this file as a PDF[/button]
SIAPS held an event on December 13, 2017, at the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Freetown, Sierra Leone, to mark the closing of its project in the country. Leaders from the Directorate of Drugs and Medical Supplies (DDMS), the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone, the National Malaria Program, and the College of Medicines and … Read more
To better coordinate activities undertaken by all interested stakeholders to control the Ebola outbreak, the Malian government enacted Decision N° 2014-0850/PM-RM of November 14, 2014, resulting in the development of a contingency plan and the establishment of an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). A quantification exercise was conducted with technical assistance and financing from the SIAPS … Read more
An interview with Murtada Sesay, country project director in Sierra Leone. SIAPS is working on a two-year project funded by USAID to help rebuild and strengthen the country’s pharmaceutical system following the Ebola epidemic. What’s SIAPS doing in Sierra Leone? Our systems strengthening project there was a consequence, not only of the more recent Ebola, … Read more
To take systems strengthening support to the next level, SIAPS is introducing a web-based enhanced information graphic display platform. The dashboard features data from each health facility and supply structure and will provide real-time access to patient and commodity information. The end goal is for the dashboard to be used to visualize graphic data on health programs, … Read more
Inside this issue: Updated Treatment Register Streamlines Patient Recording Process CRMS Conducts Second Cycle; Reforms Made per First Cycle SIAPS Supports Launch of Four DTCs Pharmaceutical Dashboard to include CRMS Data AMR Gets a Call to Action Strengthening Quantification Practices using CRMS Data and Electronic Tools
SIAPS joined those involved in supply chain management in Sierra Leone to collaborate on a plan to handle products for reverse logistics and proper disposal. The turnkey activity of segregating, sorting, documenting, packing and preparing for collection by the district medical stores is part of the technical assistance the SIAPS Project supports in the country; namely, establishing … Read more