The availability and quality of HIV commodity, including antiretrovirals and HIV test kits, increases the demand for HIV care services and enables the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy. In West Africa and Central Africa, stock-outs often occurred because of poor coordination and information sharing among partners and lack of a reliable early warning system. With funding … Read more
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central Africa, Guinea, HIV/AIDS, J Adu, JB Evi, Niger, OSPSIDA, Supply chain management, Technical Report, Togo, West Africa Regional Project
USAID’s West African office asked SIAPS to provide support to six countries in the West and Central African region—Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon, Guinea, Niger, and Togo—to establish a web-based regional dashboard ( that will create an early warning system (EWS) to monitor HIV and AIDS commodities and to detect and minimize the risk of stock-out … Read more
Benin, Cameroon, dashboard, Guinea, HIV/AIDS, J Adu, JB Evi, M Islam, Mali, Niger, OSPSIDA, S Doumbia, Supply chain management, Technical Report, Togo, West Africa Regional Project
The West and Central African regions have a low HIV prevalence. Because of the low number of patients on ART and limited technical and financial support, these regions have experienced frequent stock-outs of ARVs posing a serious risk to patients on ART and increasing the risk of HIV drug resistance in the region. As a … Read more
A Mwansasu, ART, ARV, Assessment, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, capacity building, D Mabirizi, D Seydou, E Bedel, F Aboagye-Nyame, Guinea, HIV, HIV/AIDS, Niger, Supply chain management, Technical Report, Togo, West Africa Regional Project