Active Surveillance versus Spontaneous Reporting for First-Line Antiretroviral Medicines in Namibia: A Cost-Utility Analysis

Mann M, Mengistu A, Gaeseb J, Sagwa E, Mazibuko G, Babigumira JB, Garrison Jr LP, Stergachis A. Active surveillance versus spontaneous reporting for first-line antiretroviral medicines in Namibia: A cost-utility analysis. Drug Safety. 2016, Vol. 39, Issue 9; 859-872. Read the full article  

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Improving Accountability and Transparency in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains

This summary provides examples of best practices for improving accountability and transparency in supply chain management that have been implemented in developing countries with technical assistance from the US Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program. These best practices have improved governance in supply chains and helped … Read more

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Situation Analysis: Introducing Pharmaceutical Product Registration Policy in Angola

The DNME of the MINSA recognizes the importance of regulating pharmaceutical products and wants to introduce a new policy to mandate product registration to better control the safety, quality, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. The National Department of Medicine and Health Products of the DNME is the responsible unit for managing pharmaceutical product registration. However, … Read more

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Results and Impact of the Introduction of an Integrated Pharmaceutical Supply System in the Dominican Republic

The objective of this study was to determine, through secondary sources, the impact of SUGEMI on the operational efficiency of the supply system and the availability of general-use medicines in the primary care units (unidades de atención primaria, or UNAP), where SUGEMI is fully implemented. With these ends, interviews were held with 122 personnel responsible … Read more

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Pricing Guide, Medical Equipment: Prepared for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of Bangladesh

Medical equipment items are the most expensive material goods in a health care facility. As part of technical assistance from USAID-supported SIAPS (implemented by MSH) to ensure access to quality products, we have developed a standard table of organization and equipment (TOE) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW). This TOE … Read more

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Health Products Coding: Pharmacie Populaire du Mali

The main purpose of developing product codes for the PPM is to standardize and improve inventory management practices at the PPM, to provide input to the PPM’s product master list, and to integrate the list throughout the commodity information system. In addition, the codes will be used in the product catalogue for clients to order from.

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