The Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program proposed a methodology for reviewing lists of essential medicines (LEM) and formularies, with the potential to achieve optimum results in short periods of time and with a minimal investment of resources. The methodology consisted of identifying an expert international pharmacologist with experience in the LEM process and the … Read more
The objective of this study was to determine, through secondary sources, the impact of SUGEMI on the operational efficiency of the supply system and the availability of general-use medicines in the primary care units (unidades de atención primaria, or UNAP), where SUGEMI is fully implemented. With these ends, interviews were held with 122 personnel responsible … Read more
La República Dominicana inicio en el año 1997 el proceso de reforma y modernización del sector salud, cuyos principios fundamentales descansan en la calidad, integridad de las acciones de salud, expansión y cobertura universal, separación de funciones para la equidad en el acceso y una mayor eficiencia de los recursos. En el 2005 se presenta la Política Farmacéutica … Read more
El Servicio Nacional de Salud (SNS), creado mediante la Ley 123-15 de fecha 16 de julio del 2015, tiene como una de sus prioridades ampliar la cobertura, mejorar el acceso, la calidad y la capacidad resolutiva de los servicios de salud en el primer nivel de atención, definidos como puerta de entrada al Sistema de Salud de … Read more
Barillas E, Valdez C, Narvaez E, Vasquez G. Strategies Based on Evidence to Rationalize the High-Cost Medicines List in the Dominican Republic. Poster presented at the ISPOR 18th Annual European Congress in Milan, Italy, November 7-11, 2015.
George A, Valdez C, Herrera M, Barillas E. Building a supply chain approach for an improved laboratory sample referral network in the Dominican Republic. Poster presentation at the People that Deliver Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. Published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. View the abstract
Barillas E, Valdez C, Diaz P, Tapia ME. Combination of on- and off-site training contributes to strengthening the unified pharmaceutical system in the Dominican Republic. Oral presentation at the People that Deliver Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. Published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. View the abstract
Ghoneim R, Nfor E, Tukai M, Barillas E, Saleeb S, Valdez C (2014, November). Adoption of the integrated management information system for pharmaceuticals and medical supplies (SUGEMI) to optimize ARV supply in the Dominican Republic. Presentation at the 7th Global Health Supply Chain Summit. Copenhagen, Denmark.
C Valdez, Conference, Dominican Republic, E Barillas, E Nfor, HIV/AIDS, M Tukai, Pharmaceutical Management Information System, Presentation, R Ghoneim, S Saleeb, SUGEMI
Many developing countries are beneficiaries of donations for implementing their malaria programs. Global initiatives and donors, including USAID/PMI; Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Roll Back Malaria (RBM); and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, expect that the resources they provide reach the affected population and are managed prudently and that reports are … Read more
Pribluda VS, Evans L, Barillas E, Marmion J, Lukulay P, Chang J. Were medicine quality and pharmaceutical management contributing factors in diminishing artemisinin efficacy in Guyana and Suriname? Malaria Journal. 2014;13:77. Read the full article
AMI, Antimicrobial Resistance, E Barillas, Guyana, J Chang, J Marmion, Journal Article, L Evans, Malaria., P Lukulay, Product Quality, Suriname, VS Pribluda