From September 2012 to December 2016, SIAPS worked to reform and strengthen the Dominican Republic’s health sector by expanding access to quality health care, detecting TB cases, and improving HIV and AIDS treatment and prevention services. Using a systemic approach that considered all health system functions and national driving forces, SIAPS was able to put … Read more
Archive Dominican Republic
SIAPS End of Project Report Dominican Republic

Project dates: September 2012 – December 2016
Methodology for the Rapid Review and Updating of Lists of Medicines in the Dominican Republic

The Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program proposed a methodology for reviewing lists of essential medicines (LEM) and formularies, with the potential to achieve optimum results in short periods of time and with a minimal investment of resources. The methodology consisted of identifying an expert international pharmacologist with experience in the LEM process and the … Read more
Results and Impact of the Introduction of an Integrated Pharmaceutical Supply System in the Dominican Republic

The objective of this study was to determine, through secondary sources, the impact of SUGEMI on the operational efficiency of the supply system and the availability of general-use medicines in the primary care units (unidades de atención primaria, or UNAP), where SUGEMI is fully implemented. With these ends, interviews were held with 122 personnel responsible … Read more
Closing the Financial Gap to Ensure Availability of HIV and AIDS Commodities in the Dominican Republic

SIAPS’ predecessor project, Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems, worked with the government to establish the SUGEMI system to provide more accurate information on consumption, forecasting, pricing, and distribution. SUGEMI is an information system that is fully aligned with the country’s health sector reform process, compatible with the decentralized health sector, and designed to coordinate information across different vertical disease programs. These features were essential to promote the … Read more
SIAPS’ Capacity Building Efforts to Improve the Dominican Republic’s Health Management System

The Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program has designed and implemented a certificate course to ensure the strengthening and sustainability of rational medicine use in the Dominican Republic. Universidad Central del Este (UCE) conducted the first course to thirty-two students in mid-2016 and shall conduct a second course in the last … Read more
Formulario Nacional de Medicamentos del Primer Nivel de Atención

La República Dominicana inicio en el año 1997 el proceso de reforma y modernización del sector salud, cuyos principios fundamentales descansan en la calidad, integridad de las acciones de salud, expansión y cobertura universal, separación de funciones para la equidad en el acceso y una mayor eficiencia de los recursos. En el 2005 se presenta la Política Farmacéutica … Read more
Guía Diagnóstica y de Tratamiento de las Unidades de Atención Primaria (UNAP)

El Servicio Nacional de Salud (SNS), creado mediante la Ley 123-15 de fecha 16 de julio del 2015, tiene como una de sus prioridades ampliar la cobertura, mejorar el acceso, la calidad y la capacidad resolutiva de los servicios de salud en el primer nivel de atención, definidos como puerta de entrada al Sistema de Salud de … Read more
Baseline Study Report: Prescription Practices for Antiretroviral Therapy in Comprehensive Care Services of the Dominican Republic

The purpose of this study is to determine if the current prescription practices adhere to the national therapeutic guidelines. Finding notable discrepancies between the prescription practices and the guidelines would explain unjustified expenses in ARV therapy and the stockout problems and overstocks that occasionally occur.
Guía estandarizada para la integración de los Centros: Especializados de Atención en Salud al SUGEMI

La Reforma del Sector de la Salud en la República Dominicana contempla la organización de un Sistema Único de Gestión del Suministro de Medicamentos e Insumos (SUGEMI) y la prestación de servicios de salud a través de los Servicios Regionales de Salud (SRS). La etapa inicial de implementación del SUGEMI destacó la gestión del suministro … Read more