Archive Where We Work

Strengthening Capacity for Monitoring and Evaluating Mozambique’s Regulatory System

In Mozambique, SIAPS has been working with the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) pharmaceutical department (PD), which functions as the country’s regulatory authority, to strengthen its capacity at the national level. The PD’s main function is to ensure access to safe, effective, and quality pharmaceuticals through the public and private sectors that contribute to the best … Read more

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Sustaining Ukraine’s progress in fighting TB

Tuberculosis, which is the leading cause of death among infectious diseases in Ukraine, is especially dangerous due to the high estimated number of patients with multidrug-resistant TB. Since its implementation in 2008, e-TB Manager, a digital case management tool, has shown strong results: 81% of users, including doctors, nurses, and laboratory professionals, agree that it … Read more

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Supportive Supervision and Mentorship Site Visit for Pharmacy Services in the Shiselweni Region, Swaziland

With support from SIAPS and in collaboration with other development partners, the Central Medical Stores (CMS) conducts supportive supervision and mentorship (SSM) visits to health facilities. Through these visits, the capacity of health personnel is built to effectively manage pharmaceuticals and services, improve the rational use of pharmaceuticals, and strengthen supply chain management at all levels … Read more

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SMS Reminders Improve Patients’ Pharmacy Appointment-keeping for Antiretroviral Refills in Namibia

Patients on lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) may be at risk of forgetting their pharmacy appointments for antiretroviral (ARV) refills. The SMS-based ART pharmacy appointment and medication adherence reminder service provides automated text notifications to ART patients reminding them to pick up their ARV refills according to appointment dates made by pharmacy staff using the SIAPS-supported Electronic … Read more

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Introducing a more efficient and effective patient chart in Sierra Leone

SIAPS recently helped train 55 hospital staff on how to use a new and improved patient chart in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The training, which took place May 6 at the University of Sierra Leone Teaching Hospital Complex at Connaught Hospital, was attended by 15 doctors, 35 nurses, and 5 pharmacists. The SIAPS team in Sierra … Read more


HIV and AIDS Commodity Management Tool for West Africa (OSPSIDA): Technical Guide

The West Africa Regional HIV Pharmaceutical Management Information Dashboard is developed and implemented for fifteen focus West African countries for better management of HIV and AIDS commodities. The goal of the Dashboard is to capture, track, aggregate, and disseminate information about antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), rapid test kits (RTKs), and other HIV and AIDS commodities to support … Read more

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HIV and AIDS Commodity Management Tool for West Africa (OSPSIDA): User Guide

The goal of the OSPSIDA Dashboard is to capture, track, aggregate, and disseminate information about antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), rapid test kits (RTKs), and other HIV and AIDS commodities to support evidence-based decision making in the West Africa subregion. The Dashboard offers regional partners a platform through which they may easily share information on funding flows and … Read more

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Pharmadex Launched in Bangladesh

On May 17, 2017, the Honorable Minister Mohammad Nasim, Member of Parliament (MP), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), officially launched Pharmadex in Bangladesh. Pharamdex ( is a web-based integrated information system that facilitates the submission, review, and evaluation of medicine registration applications and dossiers on the basis of international standards and formats. Minister … Read more
