By Kiley Workman, Project Associate, SIAPS Program Despite lingering jet lag, the atmosphere was friendly and energized at Sunday night’s welcome reception for the Global TB Conference, hosted by the USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program and the Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility (GDF). During this kick-off event, 76 … Read more
Archive TB
Strengthening the TB pharmaceutical management system and ensuring patients’ uninterrupted access to anti-TB medicines in Uzbekistan
By Shirin Kakayeva, SIAPS Technical Associate and Dr. Archil Salakaia, SIAPS Central Asia Portfolio Manager Uzbekistan is one of 18 high-priority countries in the WHO’s European region, and is among 27 high-burden multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) countries in the world. As the uninterrupted supply of anti-TB medicines is necessary for the survival of TB patients, pharmaceutical management … Read more
Beating Tuberculosis Requires More Than Medicine

By Emily Delmotte, SIAPS Technical Advisor This has been cross-posted with the permission of Science Speaks. The text has been changed slightly for clarity. Eight years ago Busisiwe Beko was undergoing treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) when, after months of waiting to see a pediatric specialist, her daughter was diagnosed with the same illness. The … Read more
Global TB Conference 2015: Building the Post-2015 Agenda
The SIAPS Program, in collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility, will host a technical conference titled, “Building the Post-2015 Agenda: Novel Approaches to Improving Access to TB Medicines and Pharmaceutical Services” from March 2-6, 2015 at the Conrad Bangkok Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. Please visit the conference page for more information.
Manuals and Standard Operational Procedures for the implementation of a Unified Pharmaceutical System
Manual de Procedimientos Operativos del Sistema Único para el Transporte de Muestras Biológicas y sus Resultados en la Red Pública de Servicios de Salud Noviembre, 2014
Preventing Stockouts of Essential TB Drugs: QuanTB 2.0
Guaranteeing that patients have uninterrupted access to anti-tuberculosis (TB) treatment begins with national TB programs (NTP) making complex calculations about how many cases to expect in the future. Vigilant stock management, accurate number of cases started on each type of treatment along with forecasting the expected number of patients that will be enrolled on treatment, … Read more
Tackling Tuberculosis: The Importance of Medicines Management
After decades of relying on old medicines, new drugs designed specifically for the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) are finally on the market. While these medicines represent a major advancement in the fight against TB, ensuring equitable access for patients is still an enormous challenge. At the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health, the USAID-funded … Read more
An Interview With An XDR-TB Survivor
It all began in November 2001 for Mildred Fernando when she was diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) – a preventable and curable disease which caused the death of 1.4 million people in 2011. She was only 19 years old, working on completing her last semester in college when she contracted TB from her father who sadly … Read more
Decreasing the Burden of TB Through Collaboration and Streamlined Approaches
The state of tuberculosis (TB) is in a tug-of-war as current challenges threaten to undo past successes. One of the primary hurdles currently facing TB prevention and cure is the emergence of strains that are resistant to at least two of the most effective medicines (rifampicin and isoniazid). So-called drug-resistant (DR)-TB arises when patients are … Read more
Financing New Diagnostics for TB
Although tuberculosis (TB) has existed for thousands of years, new tools for diagnosing and treating it are quickly changing the way in which countries plan TB care and treatment programs. The National Tuberculosis Programs (NTPs) in most low-income countries depend heavily on international donor funding. With recent declines in foreign assistance, however, increased awareness about … Read more