Upon receiving an invitation from the Right Honourable Prime Minister of Swaziland, Dr Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini, SIAPS provided technical assistance to the task team appointed to examine the problem of inconsistent availability of essential medicines. Recent media reports and routine assessments conducted by the SIAPS Program indicated frequent stock-outs of essential medicines and medicinal supplies, … Read more
Archive essential medicines
Good Practices for the Dispensing of High-Cost Medicines in the Framework of an Integrated Supply System
Background Within the framework of health sector reform, the National Health Service (Servicio Nacional de Salud) of the Dominican Republic has been implementing the Integrated System for Medicine and Supply Management (Sistema Único de Gestión de Medicamentos e Insumos, or SUGEMI) in the public health services network. Its objective is to improve public access to … Read more
Promoting better use of medicines through the establishment of a National Essential Medicines Committee in Swaziland
The WHO estimates that more than 50% of all medicines are prescribed, dispensed or sold inappropriately, and that 50% of all patients fail to take them correctly. The overuse, underuse or misuse of medicines—also known as irrational use of medicines—results in wastage of scarce resources, increased risk of adverse drug reactions, and widespread health hazards, … Read more
Estrategias basadas en evidencia para la racionalización de la lista de medicamentos de alto costo en la Republica Dominicana
El Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) de República Dominicana organizó el Programa de Medicamentos de Alto Costo (PMAC) en 2008[i] con el propósito de facilitar atenciones clínicas a pacientes con patologías de muy baja prevalencia y alto costo de tratamiento, como cánceres refractarios a tratamientos convencionales, artritis reumatoide, hepatitis C y trasplante renal, entre otras. … Read more
Evidence-based strategies for the rationalization of the list of high-cost medicines in the Dominican Republic
The Ministry of Public Health (Ministerio de Salud Pública, or MSP) of the Dominican Republic organized the High-Cost Medicines Program (Programa de Medicamentos de Alto Costo, or PMAC) in 2008[i] to facilitate clinical care for patients with very rare diseases and high-cost treatment, such as cancers unresponsive to conventional treatments, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis C, and … Read more
Revision of the Essential Medicines List in the Dominican Republic
The National Essential Medicines List (NEML) of the Dominican Republic had not been updated since 2005. Over the course of 2012 and 2013, some therapeutic groups and specific lists of disease control programs, such as HIV and tuberculosis, were revised, but they were not consolidated and validated as a national list. In May 2014 the … Read more
Antimicrobial Stewardship: Strategies for Preserving Essential Medical Resources
This week, the World Health Assembly will meet to discuss – and likely pass—a global action plan on antimicrobial resistance. The action plan lays out five strategic objectives to promote better understanding of the threat of antimicrobial resistance, and to ensure the proper use and conservation of existing antimicrobials. Antimicrobial stewardship, which comprises interventions designed … Read more
Revision de la lista nacional de medicamentos esenciales (LME) Republica Dominicana

Revisión de la Lista Nacional de Medicamentos Esenciales (LME) República Dominicana 1º de diciembre, 2014 Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana
Strengthening the Capacity of the Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council in the Regulation of Antiretroviral Medicines and Other Essential Pharmaceuticals

This consultancy and assessment is the follow up to the original 2009 SPS report, which described the structure and function of the NMRC, identified challenges in its operations, and provided recommendations for improvements in the NMRC’s processes. In this consultancy, several substantive recommendations are made to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the NMRC, particularly in … Read more
Improving Health Outcomes in South Sudan: Managing Information to Maximize Resources
Ensuring the Availability of Life-Saving Commodities in a Fragile State In December 2013, the fragile peace that held the newly independent country of South Sudan collapsed into renewed fighting. Since then, violence has led to massive outflows of people to nearby Ethiopia and the economy has steadily deteriorated in the absence of oil revenues. Throughout … Read more