Project dates: January 2012 – September 2017
Archive Amazon Malaria Initiative
Informe técnico: Evaluación de la situación de la gestión del suministro de medicamentos antimaláricos en los países miembros de la Iniciativa para el Control de la Malaria en la Cuenca del Amazonas
La Iniciativa para el Control de la Malaria en la Cuenca del Amazonas (AMI por sus siglas en inglés), apoyada por la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), ha prestado a través de varios socios asistencia técnica para el control de la malaria en los países que comparten la cuenca del Amazonas, … Read more
Malaria PMI Quarterly Updates October-December 2014
According to the 2013 World Malaria Report,1 malaria incidence was reduced by about 31% and mortality rates by 49%in the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region between 2000 and 2012. These substantial reductions occurred as a result of a major scale-up of vector control interventions, diagnostic testing, and treatment with artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs). However, … Read more
Regional bulletin for the availability of antimalarial medicines: Third Quarter 2014
This bulletin is developed through a collaborative effort between the National Malaria Control Programs of the Region of the Americas, PAHO/WHO and SIAPS/USAID to facilitate sharing of information between countries in the Americas. The objectives of the bulletin are to increase awareness of stocks of antimalarial medicine, generate stock out alerts and promote exchanges and … Read more
Información sobre actividades realizadas por SIAPS en Loreto, Perú, en el marco de la Iniciativa Amazónica de Malaria
Este informe ha sido preparado a solicitud de la Oficina de Salud y Educación de la USAID Perú, para ser presentada en la reunión de la Iniciativa AMI que se realizará en Enero de 2015. La información que contiene ha sido compilada de informes técnicos, informes de viaje, actas de reuniones e indagaciones realizadas durante … Read more
Lessons from an Integrated Partnership for Malaria Control in the Americas
Malaria incidence in Latin America and the Caribbean has decreased by 65% from 2001 to 2013, which has resulted in new challenges for maintaining the availability of quality antimalarials and other key interventions. The Amazon Malaria Initiative (AMI) is a regional partnership supported by USAID that assists countries to address these challenges by incorporating selected … Read more
Evaluación de la implementación del Instrumento de requerimiento y despacho de antimaláricos – Colombia
Evaluación de la implementación del Instrumento de requerimiento y despacho de antimaláricos –Colombia Septiembre de 2014
Evaluation of the Performance of Malaria Control Strategies in Latin America, Using Adequacy Criteria
Adequate implementation of malaria control strategies requires compliance, at a minimum, with criteria involving the following components: The evidence on which the intervention is based, for example, studies of vector habits and sensitivity to insecticides and antimalarials Adequate coverage of the target population The quality of implementation of the intervention Within the framework of the Amazon Malaria … Read more
Implantação da metodologia de supervisão local dos postos de diagnostico e tratamento de malária como reforço da estratégia de controle no Brasil
O Programa Nacional de Controle de Malária no Brasil (PNCM) considera a oportunidade e qualidade do diagnóstico, a disponibilidade do medicamento, sua adequada dispensação e a adesão ao tratamento essenciais para obtenção de êxito na estratégia de controle. Por isso considera que o monitoramento regular da qualidade desses serviços deve ser uma preocupação permanente do … Read more
Study on the knowledge, attitudes and practices of malaria and malaria treatment in the small-scale gold mining sector in Suriname
This report presents the results of a knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) study of malaria treatment in a small-scale gold mining sector in Suriname. The KAP study was commissioned by the Government of Suriname/Global Fund “Searching for Gold, Finding Malaria” program in collaboration with USAID-funded SIAPS and PAHO. The goal of the study was to document malaria treatment–seeking … Read more