Antiretroviral Cohort Adverse Event Monitoring in KwaZulu-Natal

The high burden of HIV and the rapid scale up of ARV treatment program in KwaZulu-Natal provided a unique opportunity to establish a cohort event monitoring system at selected sites within the province. The aim of the cohort event monitoring study was to implement and establish a system of active surveillance that would have resulted … Read more

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Information Systems and Coordination for Managing HIV and AIDS Related Commodities

The West and Central African regions have a low HIV prevalence. Because of the low number of patients on ART and limited technical and financial support, these regions have experienced frequent stock-outs of ARVs posing a serious risk to patients on ART and increasing the risk of HIV drug resistance in the region. As a … Read more

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Pharmaceutical Management Information System Support Supervision Quarterly Feedback Report, October to December 2013, Cameroon

Based on previous assessment findings and to fill the gaps, SIAPS supports improving data management of HIV and AIDS commodities in targeted ART health facilities in Cameroon by: Assessing storage practices and inventory management to mentor and guide system improvement Collecting data and information for the monitoring patients and stock Mentoring and building the capacity … Read more

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Training on ForLab and Long-Term Forecasting and Supply Planning of HIV and AIDS–Related Lab Commodities in Cameroon: Technical Report

A middle-income country in Central Africa, Cameroon had an HIV prevalence of 4.3% in 2011 in the general population 15–49 years of age (2011 DHS). The number of HIV patients on antiretroviral treatment (ART) has grown from a few hundred in 2001 to 78,000 at the end of 2009 and to 131,531 at the end … Read more

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Systems Requirements for Computerized Medicine Registration, Mozambique Ministry of Health

In 2012, the US Agency for International Development-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program conducted a comprehensive assessment of regulatory systems in Mozambique and addressed the challenges of the current information system being used by the Mozambique Ministry of Health Pharmacy Department (PD) for medicine registration and other regulatory functions. Recommendations … Read more

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Rapport de l’atelier de formation des formateurs sur le Manuel des Procédures Opératoires Standard pour la gestion du système d’information logistique des médicaments essentiels et intrants des programmes de santé au Mali

Rapport de l’atelier de formation des formateurs sur le Manuel des Procédures Opératoires Standard pour la gestion du système d’information logistique des médicaments essentiels et intrants des programmes de santé au Mali Octobre 2013


Asistencia Técnica de SIAPS a Países Miembros de la Iniciativa Amazónica Contra la Malaria

El programa Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceutical Services, ofrece asistencia técnica a los países miembros de la Iniciativa Amazónica Contra la Malaria (AMI por su siglas en Ingles), por medio de consultores que apoyan actividades nacionales y regionales, de acuerdo a planes de trabajo acordados con contrapartes nacionales y aprobados por la Agencia de … Read more

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