As a pharmacist, Md. Jahidul Hasan has worked in several hospitals, but it was not until he joined Square Hospital Limited (SHL) that he learned about pharmacovigilance (PV). SHL is a 400-bed tertiary care private hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh, that serves an average of 1,200 out-patients each day. The Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA), with … Read more
Archive Where We Work
A Rebirth of Sierra Leone’s Pharmaceutical System
When the World Health Organization declared the Ebola epidemic over on November 7, 2015, about 40% of the 8,704 people infected had died. The country’s health system, or what was left of it after a decade of civil war that ended in 2002, was ailing, too. Some health workers had become ill or left, leaving … Read more
Strengthening the Pharmaceutical System in Sierra Leone after Ebola
SIAPS received two years of funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in September 2015 to provide technical assistance to rebuild and strengthen the post-Ebola pharmaceutical supply chain management system and improve the supply chain and rational medicine use in Sierra Leone. To support these goals, SIAPS provides technical assistance for systems strengthening activities … Read more
Sierra Leone Project Update: Continuous Results Monitoring and Support System
In May 2016, SIAPS began helping Sierra Leone institute a Continuous Results Monitoring and Support System (CRMS) to assess baseline challenges in pharmaceutical management and regularly track and support improvement in key areas. The CRMS uses a series of indicators related to medicine consumption and availability, disease case management, storage conditions and practices, inventory control and … Read more
Defeating malaria through pharmaceutical systems strengthening
SIAPS has received funding from the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) to work in eight countries—Angola, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Guinea, Mali, and South Sudan—to strengthen pharmaceutical systems for improved malaria control. This report synthesizes the pharmaceutical systems strengthening efforts of SIAPS and documents how the approach was used to support … Read more
Defeating malaria through pharmaceutical systems strengthening: A review of SIAPS’s activities in eight countries
SIAPS recently published the results of its activities in eight countries (Angola, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Guinea, Mali, and South Sudan) to control malaria. This report summarizes systems strengthening interventions that support the prevention and treatment of malaria. With funding from the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and based … Read more
SIAPS provides technical assistance to the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Medicines Availability in Swaziland
Upon receiving an invitation from the Right Honourable Prime Minister of Swaziland, Dr Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini, SIAPS provided technical assistance to the task team appointed to examine the problem of inconsistent availability of essential medicines. Recent media reports and routine assessments conducted by the SIAPS Program indicated frequent stock-outs of essential medicines and medicinal supplies, … Read more
Diagnostic des systèmes d’information de gestion logistique (SIGL) en Guinée
Le programme SIAPS travaille avec le Ministère de la Santé de la Guinée afin de renforcer les capacités de gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement pour un meilleur accès aux produits pharmaceutiques et aux services et afin d’améliorer également le Système d’information de Gestion Logistique (SIGL) à tous les niveaux du système de santé. Pour atteindre … Read more
Rapport d’inventaire et de supervision des intrants Ebola en Guinée
Le Ministère de la santé guinéen a décidé d’élaborer un guide de renforcement de la surveillance en vue de consolider les acquis de la riposte contre d’éventuelles épidémies ainsi que la prise de mesures efficaces visant au relèvement du système de surveillance en Guinée. Outre les plans nationaux de distribution ordinaire élaborés, l’unité logistique, en collaboration avec … Read more
Supervision Formative Intégrée Dans les Directions Préfectorales de la Santé de Labé et de Mali
Pour lutter contre le paludisme, le Ministère de la Santé à travers le Programme national de lutte contre le paludisme (PNLP) a élaboré un plan stratégique national de troisième génération couvrant la période allant de 2013 à 2017. Il a été approuvé en février 2014 lors de la signature de l’aide-mémoire de la revue de performance … Read more