Archive SIAPS News

SIAPS Speakers Present at 2015 Global Health Mini-University

Three members of the SIAPS team presented at the 2015 Global Health Mini-University, held on Monday, March 2, at the George Washington University’s Cloyd Heck Marvin Center in Washington, DC. SIAPS Technical Associate Shirin Kakayeva presented on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in Central Asia, highlighting the high MDR-TB burden in Tajikistan (13%) and Uzbekistan (23%) in particular. Kakayeva discussed the … Read more

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SIAPS/DRC in the News: Improving Women and Children’s Health in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has an infant mortality rate of 73.15 per 1,000 live births—one of the highest in the world. The USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program in DRC, in partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH), is working to implement an action plan for improving access … Read more

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Global TB Conference 2015: Building the Post-2015 Agenda

The SIAPS Program, in collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility, will host a technical conference titled, “Building the Post-2015 Agenda: Novel Approaches to Improving Access to TB Medicines and Pharmaceutical Services” from March 2-6, 2015 at the Conrad Bangkok Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. Please visit the conference page for more information.

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SIAPS Hosts Delegates from the National Drug Regulatory Authorities from Five South and Central Asian Countries

Staff from the USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceutical Services (SIAPS) Program welcomed the opportunity to meet with visiting senior government delegates from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Nepal at the MSH Arlington, VA office. The delegates were participating in a U.S. Department of State-sponsored professional exchange program to combat counterfeit and substandard medication.[i] … Read more

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Coordinating the Management of Essential Medicines in Mali

The National Pharmaceutical Policy (NPP) of Mali aims to ensure equitable access to and the rational use of essential medicines. This requires not only a good logistical management information system, but also coordination among key actors. In May 2014, Mali’s Regional Health Department in Segou, with the support of SIAPS/Mali, held its first quarterly meeting … Read more

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Another Step Forward in Governing the Pharmaceutical Sector in Swaziland

In Swaziland, SIAPS has been supporting the Ministry of Health in developing both the Pharmacy Bill to regulate the profession and practice of pharmacy, and the Medicines and Related Substances Bill to regulate the registration, importation, and use of medicines and related substances. The two bills have been passing through the legislative process and are … Read more

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Auditable Pharmaceutical Transactions and Services (APTS) Selected as Key Priority for Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health

This year’s National Annual Review, led by Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health (MoH), brought together more than 850 health professionals nationwide to discuss ways to advance public health in the coming year. SIAPS/Ethiopia’s APTS system was among the eight priority areas identified  for discussion by the MoH—the first time a pharmacy area has been included on the … Read more

SIAPS Program in DRC Hosts MSH Vice President

MSH Vice President of the Center for Pharmaceutical Management (CPM), Douglas Keene, traveled to DRC last month to meet with SIAPS Country Project Director Philippe Tshiteta and important stakeholders in the country’s health sector. Mr. Keene and Mr. Tshiteta held a consultation with the Country Representative of the World Health Organization, Dr. Joseph Cabore. Dr.Cabore … Read more

Advancing the Adoption of the DRC’s Essential Medicines List

In a three-day workshop jointly sponsored by the US Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded SIAPS and the World Health Organization (WHO), stakeholders adopted the essential medicines list (EML) for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The stakeholder consultation was carried out with the support of the DRC’s Ministry of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Directorate. Every … Read more

e-TB Manager in Ukraine

Abstract on the use of SIAPS’ tool e-TB Manager in Ukraine to be Presented at Global Conference in Spain Congratulations to the SIAPS/Ukraine team on being accepted to present their abstract on the e-TB manager at the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Barcelona, Spain, which will take place October 28-November 1 of this … Read more

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