Join SIAPS at the International AIDS Conference 2016 held in Durban

The SIAPS Program is committed to contributing to and achieving an AIDS-free generation by improving access to HIV diagnosis, care and treatment. At #AIDS2016, we will present seven poster presentations that showcase our support to national treatment programs using a pharmaceutical systems strengthening approach. Can’t attend AIDS 2016 in person? Follow us on Twitter at … Read more

SIAPS Supports Angola Ministry of Health to Develop First Ever National Supply Chain Strategy for Health Commodities

Angola’s National Plan for Health 2012-2025 (Plano Nacional de Decenvolvimento Sanil – PNDS 2012-2025) has highlighted the lack of a comprehensive and strategic supply chain plan as a key challenge to access pharmaceuticals in Angola. Ministry of Health (MOH) key players and local supply chain stakeholders have since called for the development of a national … Read more

#HealthSystems, Prevention & Preparing for Epidemics – Part 3: Antimicrobial Resistance

by Aubrey Clark, MPH; Mohan P. Joshi, MBBS, MSc, MD Strong health systems are necessary to help prevent and mitigate epidemics, including the oft-overlooked epidemic of antimicrobial resistance. This post originally appeared on MSH’s Global Health Impact Blog as part of a new series on improving the health of the poorest and most vulnerable women, girls, families, … Read more

Namibia Launches an Innovative Pharmaceutical Management Information Dashboard

Pharmaceutical and health program managers in Namibia’s public health sector now have a tool to more accurately monitor stock levels and availability of all pharmaceutical products at health facilities countrywide. This follows the launch of the Pharmaceutical Management Information Dashboard in Windhoek, on Thursday, June 23, 2016. Until recently, pharmacy personnel at the Ministry of … Read more

Bedaquiline Treatment Reaches 200 Patients in Georgia

Georgia is one of the first countries to benefit from the USAID‑Janssen Therapeutics bedaquiline (BDQ) donation program. Along with delamanid, BDQ is one of only two new TB medicines released to the market in over 40 years. These medicines are being used for the treatment of MDR-TB patients, as well as TB patients who have … Read more

Hastening ARV Dispensing in Namibia’s Public Health Facilities with the Electronic Dispensing Tool: Mr. George Lukonga’s Experience

By Harriet Kagoya, Senior M&E Advisor and Chipo Chirefu-Toto, Senior Finance and Operations Manager for the SIAPS Program Mr. George Lukonga is accustomed to dealing with 200 to 300 patients being treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART) on a daily basis. Lukonga is the Senior Pharmacist Assistant at the Katima Mulilo Hospital in the Zambezi region … Read more

SIAPS Presents on OSPSANTE and OSPSIDA at WHO Francophone Technical Briefing Seminar on Medicine Policy 2016

The World Health Organization Department of Essential Medicines and Health Products invited SIAPS to participate in its annual French Technical Briefing Seminar, held 9-13 May, in Geneva, Switzerland.  The seminar, held every year since 1998, brings together experts working in the pharmaceutical and health sector programs in francophone countries, around current and topical issues related … Read more

SIAPS Joins EPN in Issuing Call to Action against Antimicrobial Resistance

Delegates at the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) Forum 2016, agreed upon and issued a Call to Action against antimicrobial resistance during the biannual meeting, held 18-21 May 2016, in Tubingen, Germany. EPN, a partner of the USAID-funded SIAPS Program, issued the renewed call to action with support from SIAPS and other partners. The Call to … Read more