Supply chain constraints plague current neglected tropical disease (NTD) prevention and treatment programs. The rapid expansion of NTD control activities has not been without pharmaceutical and health system challenges. Inadequate NTD drug management in many countries has resulted in excess stocks, leading to waste resulting from drug expiry or stock-outs, leading to treatment interruption. SIAPS has … Read more
Archive Distribution
Manuel de procédures de gestion des achats et des stocks des produits de santé de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA
Ce manuel de procédures de Gestion des Achats et des Stocks (GAS) des produits de lutte contre le VIH/Sida vise à décrire d’une manière synthétique les procédures à suivre par le GTC-CNLS, la Centrale Nationale d’Approvisionnement en Médicaments et consommables médicaux Essentiels (CENAME), les Centres d’Approvisionnement Pharmaceutique Régionaux (CAPR) et les Formations Sanitaires (FOSA) lors … Read more
Guidelines for Redistribution of Excess and Near-Expiry Essential Medicines between Public Health Facilities in South Sudan
The increased shortages and stock-out of essential medicines have raised the need to understand the causes of medicine expiries and subsequently develop strategies for their prevention and management.The MOH has developed this document to empower health workers at all levels to redistribute medicines and supplies that are not needed or are about to expire. Therefore, … Read more
Closing the Financial Gap to Ensure Availability of HIV and AIDS Commodities in the Dominican Republic
SIAPS’ predecessor project, Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems, worked with the government to establish the SUGEMI system to provide more accurate information on consumption, forecasting, pricing, and distribution. SUGEMI is an information system that is fully aligned with the country’s health sector reform process, compatible with the decentralized health sector, and designed to coordinate information across different vertical disease programs. These features were essential to promote the … Read more
High Cost of Medicines in Ukraine: Factors and Price Components
Medicine prices are a contentious issue, with many products arguably unaffordable, even in developed countries, where, on average, approximately 10% of the health budget is spent on medicines. But in low- and middle-income countries, that figure is usually substantially higher, reflecting both limited resources and generally inefficient public health systems. Given that a sizable proportion … Read more
Technical Assistance to Strengthen the Angola Central Medical Warehouse System
The US Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded program, Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS), implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH), has been providing technical assistance to the Angola Ministry of Health (MOH) to improve pharmaceutical management since 2011. An analysis of the Angolan public health supply chain system conducted in November/December … Read more
Plan Stratégique 2015-2019 de la Pharmacie Populaire du Mali
Le Gouvernement de la République du Mali a fait de la Pharmacie Populaire du Mali (PPM) un outil privilégié de l’exécution de sa politique nationale pharmaceutique en matière d’approvisionnement, de stockage et de distribution des médicaments essentiels, et dans ce cadre des engagements ont été pris par les parties prenantes, à travers un cadre juridique … Read more
Warehouse Improvement Plan and Draft Operating Procedures for the Central Warehouses of the Directorate General of Health Services and the Directorate General of Family Planning in Bangladesh
This report summarizes technical findings and recommendations to assist two important supply chain management organizations that support the Government of Bangladesh’s (GOB) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW). The first organization— the Ministry’s Central Medical Stores Depot (CMSD)—is headquartered in Dhaka. It serves as the central procurement and distribution arm of the Directorate General … Read more
Estimating the In-Country Distribution Costs of Malaria Commodities in Benin and Kenya
This report estimates the cost of the Kenyan and Beninese distribution networks for artemisininbased combination therapies (ACTs) and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in the public sector. Based on this work, we created an extrapolative model to allow donors and country budget planners to quickly and effectively estimate distribution costs for country roadmaps. This model is … Read more
December 2014 SIAPS/SCMS/BLC Newsletter
In this issue: Enhancing the Capacity of Namibia’s CMS Staff in Pharmaceutical Warehousing and Distribution Improving OVC Service Delivery by Building the Capacity of CSOs: CAFO’s Experience Assuring Safety of Antiretroviral Medicines Through Sentinel-based Pharmacovigilance in Namibia Creating Medicines Inventory Management Champions to Support Decentralization of Antiretroviral Treatment Services in Namibia Namibia’s National Health Training Center Develops a Manual for Sustaining the Quality of Pharmacy … Read more