Engaging the Private Sector to Improve Antimicrobial Use in the Community: Experience from Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in Tanzania

Valimba R, Liana J, Joshi MP, Rutta E, Embrey M, Bundala M, Kibassa B. Engaging the Private Sector to Improve Antimicrobial Use in the Community: Experience from Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in Tanzania. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. 2014; 7(1):11. Read the full article

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August 2014 SIAPS/SCMS/BLC Newsletter

Inside this issue: Pre-service Pharmacy Training on Rational Medicine Use to Avert Antimicrobial Resistance in HIV, TB and other Public Health Diseases SCMS Supports the Ministry of Health and Social Services to Finalize and Award Tender Contracts for Anti-Retroviral Medicines Assuring Safety of Patients on ARV and Anti-TB Medicines through Enhanced Pharmacovigilance CAFO Fosters Community … Read more

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Improving the Professional Registration Process of Pharmacy Personnel through Streamlining the Assessment Framework, Methods, and Tools in Namibia

Namibia faces a shortage of pharmaceutical personnel. The increased burden that HIV and AIDS has placed on national health systems in general has made this burden even more severe. USAID-funded SIAPS conducted a preliminary assessment to evaluate the screening system and processes in use for pharmaceutical practitioners concerning legal recognition to practice in Namibia. This was also … Read more

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Programming the Purchase of Medicines and Supplies in the Dominican Republic’s Public Health System

Until 2010, estimates and programming for the purchase of medicines and supplies in the Dominican Republic’s public health sector were carried out by each individual health facility without the benefit of a standardized methodology. In 2011, the Ministry of Public health, with the support of SIAPS, conducted a series of national procurement programming exercises using a … Read more

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Policy Brief: Improving Access to Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment in Remote Areas of the Amazon Basin Countries

It is important to build an evidence-based approach to justify the launch of new interventions and to evaluate their impact. The Amazon Malaria Initiative is advocating a systematic implementation of locally appropriate interventions and documentation of results. The Suriname Ministry of Health (MOH) commissioned a knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) study of malaria diagnosis and … Read more

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Understanding Private Retail Drug Outlet Dispenser Knowledge and Practices in Tuberculosis Care in Tanzania

Rutta E, Tarimo A, Delmotte E, James I, Mwakisu S, Kasembe D, et al. Understanding private retail drug outlet dispenser knowledge and practices in tuberculosis care in Tanzania. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2014;18(9):1108-13. View the abstract

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August 2014 Bangladesh Newsletter

Inside this issue: Ground-Breaking Efficiency Measures for Hospital Equipment Development of Pricing and Specifications for Medical Equipment SIAPS Forecasts Needs for Life-Saving MNCH Commodities Assessment Sheds Light on How Local Procurement Affects Access to Improved Logistics Management through Staff Training World TB Day Activities 2nd Conference of The Union South-East Asia Region Capacity Building for … Read more

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Inventory of Tools for Maternal Health Supplies

The Maternal Health Technical Reference Team (MHTRT) was formed to address issues related to access to essential maternal health commodities, specifically oxytocin, misoprostol, and magnesium sulfate, and to support the United Nations Commission on Life-Saving Commodities (UNCoLSC) for Women and Children. MHTRT divided into multiple subgroups, one of which was the Tools Subgroup, tasked to compile an … Read more

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Review of the List of High-Cost Medicines used by the Dominican Republic’s Protected Diseases Program and Planning of Purchases for 2015

The Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Public Health (MPH) is currently implementing an Integrated System for Medicine and Supply Management (known as SUGEMI, for its Spanish acronym) as part of the Ministry’s Public Service Network. Its objective is to improve public access to essential medicines and quality health supplies while promoting the decentralized management and optimum … Read more

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Strengthening Pre-service Pharmacy Training on Rational Medicine Use and Antimicrobial Resistance

The World Health Organization  and The International Conference on Rational Use of Medicines  have recommended pre-service education of health professionals as a key intervention to improve the use of medicines and contain antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Pre-service training is a cost-effective, sustainable, and health system strengthening intervention. Curriculum reform efforts to enhance training on rational medicine … Read more

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