SIAPS conducted a review of its TB technical assistance and the QuanTB implementation in Tanzania. Specific objectives were to determine: Key achievements or results of SIAPS QuanTB technical assistance in Tanzania Experiences and perspectives of the beneficiaries from the NTLP Challenges and lessons learned This report summarizes key aspects and results of the analysis for Tanzania.
To assess the readiness and willingness of retail drug dispensers in the private sector to participate in TB case detection, SIAPS conducted a baseline survey among pharmacies and accredited drug dispensing outlets (ADDOs) in the regions of Morogoro and Dar es Salaam. Drug dispensers in 122 pharmacies and 173 ADDOs were surveyed to assess TB knowledge and practices, and to inform the development … Read more
The engagement of all care providers in tuberculosis (TB) case finding is an essential element of the 2009–2016 Strategic Plan of the Tanzania National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme (NTLP). This is in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Stop TB Partnership recommendation for public-private mix (PPM) to support DOTS implementation, and supports the … Read more
A Tarimo, D Kasembe, E Delmotte, E Rutta, J Ngowi, K Kakanda, private pharmaceutical retail sector, public-private mix, R Valimba, S Mwatawala, Tanzania, TB case detection, Technical Report, tuberculosis
The rapid expansion of neglected tropical diseases (NTD) control activities has brought about pharmaceutical and health system challenges. In most countries, the Ministry of Health (MoH) is responsible for the administration and operation of medicines supply and distribution and for providing district health administrations with funding from the national level. District health care responsibilities are … Read more
Valimba R, Liana J, Joshi MP, Rutta E, Embrey M, Bundala M, Kibassa B. Engaging the Private Sector to Improve Antimicrobial Use in the Community: Experience from Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in Tanzania. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. 2014; 7(1):11. Read the full article
Antimicrobial Resistance, antimicrobial stewardship, B Kibassa, E Rutta, J Liana, Journal Article, M Bundala, M Embery, MP Joshi, pharmaceutical services, R Valimba, Tanzania
Rutta E, Tarimo A, Delmotte E, James I, Mwakisu S, Kasembe D, et al. Understanding private retail drug outlet dispenser knowledge and practices in tuberculosis care in Tanzania. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2014;18(9):1108-13. View the abstract
In many parts of the world, private drug shops are one of the first places people seek care for illnesses; they may also be a key partner in controlling tuberculosis (TB). With targeted training and a formal referral system, shop dispensers have the potential to identify clients with TB symptoms and refer them to diagnostic … Read more
Reposted from MSH at the Union World Conference on Lung Health 2013. While the National Tuberculosis Programs (NTP) of most countries offer free diagnosis and treatment for tuberculosis (TB), many people worldwide first seek care from other providers, such as physicians in the private sector, pharmacists, or informal drug sellers. Partnerships between NTPs and providers … Read more
“If we don’t have drugs, we don’t have programs,” Dr. Angélica Salomão of the World Health Organization Africa Region said, summing up the motivation behind the 2nd Africa TB Regional Conference on Management of TB Medicines. From December 5-7, 2012 representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO), National Tuberculosis Programs (NTP), global TB partners and … Read more
Download The SIAPS team will conduct a workshop to disseminate the findings of the baseline assessment on the knowledge and practice of TB management in pharmacies and ADDOs. The workshop will also review training materials and adapted tools aimed at enhancing private sector engagement in early TB case detection in Tanzania.