Regional bulletin for the availability of antimalarial medicines: Third Quarter 2014

This bulletin is developed through a collaborative effort between the National Malaria Control Programs of the Region of the Americas, PAHO/WHO and SIAPS/USAID to facilitate sharing of information between countries in the Americas. The objectives of the bulletin are to increase awareness of stocks of antimalarial medicine, generate stock out alerts and promote exchanges and … Read more

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Assessment of Supply Chain Management Systems for Neglected Tropical Disease Drugs in Cameroon, Mali, Tanzania, and Uganda

The rapid expansion of neglected tropical diseases (NTD) control activities has brought about pharmaceutical and health system challenges. In most countries, the Ministry of Health (MoH) is responsible for the administration and operation of medicines supply and distribution and for providing district health administrations with funding from the national level. District health care responsibilities are … Read more

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Annual Activity Report for SIAPS Guinea FY 2013: October 2012–September 2013

During the past fiscal year (FY 2013), the SIAPS Guinea team and its Ministry of Health partners (National Malaria Control Program [PNLP], Central Pharmacy of Guinea [PCG], National Medicines Regulatory Authority [DNPL], Bureau for Health Strategy and Development/National Health Information System [BSD/SNIS], Regional/District Health Authorities, and health facility agents) accelerated activities related to all four … Read more

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Rapid Assessment of the Capacity of Drug Testing Laboratory of the DGDA of Bangladesh

The SIAPS team visited the DTL to assess the DGDA’s readiness for the implementation of the medicine registration process change. The team assessed the process of requesting the reporting pre-approval sample test and discussed how to incorporate the functionality of internal communication on pre-approval sample test into the PharmaDex system. To understand the current challenges … Read more

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SIAPS/PMI – AMDM Scale-Up Sites Baseline Assessment

The President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) is an interagency initiative led by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PMI aims to reduce malaria-related mortality by 50% in 15 countries in sub-Saharan Africa by 2010. It plans to meet this goal by achieving 85% coverage of … Read more

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Recommendations for Advancing Pharmacy Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The primary purposes of the ACPE consultative visit were— – To review the curriculum for pharmacy education of the FOPS, University of Kinshasa – To develop a “road map” for updating and implementing a revised curriculum that meets international standards and prepares pharmacists who can better address public health priorities of the DRC

Malaria PMI Quarterly Updates July–September 2014

According to the 2013 World Malaria Report, malaria incidence and mortality rates were reduced by about 31% and 49%, respectively, in the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region between 2000 and 2012. These substantial reductions occurred as a result of a major scale-up of vector control interventions, diagnostic testing, and treatment with artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs). … Read more

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Información sobre actividades realizadas por SIAPS en Loreto, Perú, en el marco de la Iniciativa Amazónica de Malaria

Este informe ha sido preparado a solicitud de la Oficina de Salud y Educación de la USAID Perú, para ser presentada en la reunión de la Iniciativa AMI que se realizará en Enero de 2015. La información que contiene ha sido compilada de informes técnicos, informes de viaje, actas de reuniones e indagaciones realizadas durante … Read more

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