Archive Technical Area of Work

SIAPS end-of-program event looks toward future of pharmaceutical systems strengthening

On Thursday, March 1, 2018, MSH held an end-of-program event for the USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) program. More than 100 attendees gathered in Arlington, VA, to discuss progress made and opportunities toward ensuring that quality, life-saving essential medicines and services are available and affordable for the world’s poorest and … Read more

Rapport de quantification des produits de la santé reproductive, maternelle, néonatale et infantile pour la période de janvier 2017 à décembre 2020

La présente activité avait pour objectif d’apporter un soutien au Ministère de la Santé et de l’Hygiène publique (MSHP) pour la quantification des besoins en médicaments pour la santé reproductive, maternelle, néonatale et infantile (SRMNI). C’est ainsi que la Direction de la pharmacie et du médicament, à travers l’appui technique et financier de SIAPS, a … Read more

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Country policy development for chlorhexidine 7.1% introduction for umbilical cord care

This policy guidance document is divided into 13 different areas: Country policy development Registration Planning Financing Revised program guidelines, Essential Medicines List (EML), and reporting and recording forms Training of health workers and community partners (community health worker/relais) ACSM strategies Forecasting and quantification Procurement Distribution Health system strengthening Quality and safety Monitoring and evaluation

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SIAPS by the Numbers

This infographic provides an overview of select SIAPS interventions and results in line with six core health system functions: governance; capacity building; information for decision-making; financing; supply chain; and pharmaceutical services.

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Strengthening the Department of Health’s Warehouse Management System in the Philippines

The goal of warehouse operations is to satisfy client needs and requirements while effectively utilizing space, equipment, and labor. Warehouse management refers to the monitoring, control, and optimization of warehouse and transportation systems. The objectives of this assessment were to review the existing warehouse management system, including space, equipment, tools, and processes, and identify key requirements … Read more

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Laboratory Network Monitoring Guide

The Philippines National TB Program’s (NTP) laboratory network strategic plan (LNSP) aims to improve access to quality laboratory services, including establishing new facilities, adopting new diagnostic technologies, and strengthening the laboratory systems. The implementation of laboratory network (LNW) strengthening plans and the performance of the LNW require a comprehensive monitoring of activities to detect problems, … Read more

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SIAPS Mali holds closing ceremony event

For the French version of this article, please click here. For six years, the USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) program has been working with Mali’s Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene (MSHP) to enhance governance and transparency in the pharmaceutical sector, strengthen the supply chain system for pharmaceutical commodities, and … Read more

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Le Mali célèbre les six ans d’activité du programme des systèmes pour l’amélioration de l’accès aux produits et services pharmaceutiques

Pendant six ans, le programme des systèmes pour l’amélioration de l’accès aux produits et services pharmaceutiques (SIAPS), financé par l’Agence des Etats-Unis pour le Développement Internationale (USAID) a apporté son soutien pour améliorer la gouvernance et la transparence dans le secteur pharmaceutique, fournir une assistance technique afin de développer des outils de gestion pharmaceutique et … Read more

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Setting the stage for pharmaceutical system reform in Ukraine

By Juanita Folmsbee, Ukraine Country Project Director, SIAPS and SAFEMed To be fully effective, health system strengthening projects should have sustainable impact and lay the groundwork for future progress. Here’s how SIAPS’ work supported health system reform in Ukraine. SIAPS worked in Ukraine for four years, from 2013 through 2017. Ukraine has the most severe … Read more

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Lucky Specials Brings Focus to TB Awareness Week in Namibia

Theresia Cloete was diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) in 2002. She was put on treatment but after four months stopped taking her TB medication. Last year, she was diagnosed with drug-resistant TB. Like Cloete, many TB patients stop taking their life-saving medication before they are cured. She is now one of eight in-patients waiting for stabilization … Read more

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