As the availability of pharmaceutical products in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) has improved in recent years, the need for functional national regulatory systems is becoming paramount in ensuring the safety, quality, and efficacy of those products. However, national regulatory authorities in LMICs struggle to fulfill their respective mandates to meet this increasing demand for … Read more
“Continuing Pharmaceutical Education: Guide to Establishing Quality Assured and Accredited Programs” aims to establish and/or improve systems for the quality assurance and accreditation of continuing education/continuing professional development (CE/CPD) activities. The document outlines the rationale and framework for establishing CE/CPD programs, as well as the necessary elements for these programs to be effective, including: 1) … Read more
capacity building, continuing education, Curriculum, D Mabirizi, DG Zarembski, guidance document, JW Wadelin, MJ Rouse, MP Joshi, PH Vlasses, Quality Assurance, S Saleeb, Training
The world’s response to the AIDS pandemic of dramatically increased financial assistance to provide affordable medicines for HIV and AIDS did not automatically lead to access to antiretrovirals (ARVs). The effectiveness of these multimillion dollar initiatives was recognized to be limited by the capacity of the health care and pharmaceutical supply systems to deliver these … Read more
Access, antiretroviral therapy, antiretrovirals, D Mabirizi, F Aboagye-Nyame, guidance document, HIV/AIDS, Human Resource Management, M Embrey, pharmaceutical services, Pharmacovigilance, S Saleeb, systems, treatment
Ghoneim R, Nfor E, Tukai M, Barillas E, Saleeb S, Valdez C (2014, November). Adoption of the integrated management information system for pharmaceuticals and medical supplies (SUGEMI) to optimize ARV supply in the Dominican Republic. Presentation at the 7th Global Health Supply Chain Summit. Copenhagen, Denmark.
C Valdez, Conference, Dominican Republic, E Barillas, E Nfor, HIV/AIDS, M Tukai, Pharmaceutical Management Information System, Presentation, R Ghoneim, S Saleeb, SUGEMI
Kibria MG, Hussain Z, Peprah SA, Sameh S, Tukai M. (2013, November). Use of a supply chain management portal to ensure an uninterrupted supply of contraceptives in Bangladesh. Presentation at the Global Health Supply Chain Summit. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. View the presentation (under World Cafe 2)
Download Access to medicines remains a major issue for the Haitian population. National-level statistics show that less than half the population has acceptable access to medicines. In addition, for those who have access, there is no guarantee of the quality of medicines. As part of the strategy to reform the health system, the MSPP has … Read more
Assessment, Distribution, governance, Human Resource Management, Pharmaceutical Law, Pharmaceutical Policy, pharmaceutical regulations, Pharmacovigilance, Procurement, Quantification, rational medicine use, S Doumbia, S Saleeb, Selection, Supply chain management, technical assistance, Technical Report