June 2014 SIAPS/SCMS/BLC Newsletter

In this issue: Partnering to Strengthen MoHSS Capacity for Planning, Deployment, Training and Retention of the Public Health Supply Chain Workforce, Enhancing Institutional Capacity for Sustainable Training of Competent Pharmacy Assistants in Namibia, CAFO Completes Assessment of Care and Educational Standard in 131 ECD Centers, Expanding Local Capacity for Improved Medicines Registration in Namibia, Prescribers’ Compliance with Namibia STGs – Findings, Recommendations and Actions from a Post Implementation Assessment, Enhancing Knowledge … Read more

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Swaziland Pharmaceutical Strategic Plan (2012-2016): Baseline Survey

Swaziland’s Ministry of Health has published its Pharmaceutical Strategic Plan, 2012-2016, serving as a roadmap for the revised national pharmaceutical policy. This report is intended to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the Strategic Plan. The report is a reflection of characteristics of the pharmaceutical sector in 2012.

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A Phone Call for Health: Improving Patient Care and Adherence to Treatment in Ethiopia

Before the implementation of MSH’s Electronic Dispensing Tool, pharmaceutical management and information systems in Ethiopia were poor at capturing, aggregating, and reporting data relevant for informing decision making. This was especially true at service delivery points.  With the introduction of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Ethiopia, it became clear that without an effective information system, it would … Read more

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Guide for Malaria Commodities Logistic Management System

Many developing countries are beneficiaries of donations for implementing their malaria programs. Global initiatives and donors, including USAID/PMI; Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Roll Back Malaria (RBM); and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, expect that the resources they provide reach the affected population and are managed prudently and that reports are … Read more

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Quantification of Family Planning Commodities for January 2014 to December 2018

The Government of Swaziland (GOS) is committed to ensuring that reproductive health commodities are available to the people of Swaziland.  One of the pillars of family planning commodity security is the continuous and optimal availability of these commodities. With technical assistance from UNFPA and USAID-funded SIAPS, as well as the participation of all major stakeholders, the Ministry of Health connducted a quantification exercise with … Read more

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Enhancing Health Outcomes for Chronic Diseases in Resource-Limited Settings by Improving the Use of Medicines: The Role of Pharmaceutical Care

In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs),  health systems have historically focused on the prevention and treatment of highly prevalent and frequently fatal acute infectious illnesses such as malaria, diarrhea, and respiratory infections. However, due to changes in health risks, LMIC are experiencing an increasing burden of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in addition to the existing … Read more


Scaling Up Integrated Community Case Management in Burundi

The Burundi SIAPS team, in a one-MSH initiative led by Pascaline Harerimana and assisted by SIAPS Principal Technical Advisor Jane Briggs, supported the Burundi’s Ministry of Health (MoH) National Malaria Control Program to evaluate their pilot of community case management of malaria. The objective was to inform the requirements for expanding services to include malaria, … Read more

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Quantification of HIV and AIDS Commodities for April 2014 through March 2016, Swaziland

The Government of Swaziland (GoS) has made significant progress in addressing the HIV and AIDS epidemic through a series of strategic plans and frameworks. An important component of the plans and frameworks is the regular and systematic quantification of HIV and AIDS commodities to ensure the regular and uninterrupted supply of life-saving medicines.  This technical report details the quantification … Read more

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Estimation of Unmet Medical Need for Essential Maternal Health Medicines

An alarming number of countries are not on target to meet Millennium Development Goal to reduce maternal mortality despite efforts and investments made at both the global and national levels. Increasing access to and use of essential commodities for maternal health have recently gained attention as key concerns of several international initiatives. The United Nations … Read more

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April 2014 SIAPS/SCMS/BLC Newsletter

In this issue: BLC Supports Evidence-Based Programming of the CAFO Capacity Building Interventions, Guiding Procurement and Prescribing of ARVs and other Medicines using the NEMLIST, Namibia launches the New Progressive ART Guidelines, Equipping Public Health Supply Chain Managers with Leadership and Management Skills, Streamlining the Regulation of Pharmacy Personnel in Namibia, Improving Adherence to ARV … Read more

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