Laboratory Information Management and Utilization Training

The training materials in this compilation were developed by technical advisors from SIAPS. The training was conducted in November 2014. This will serve as a guide for trainings in LIMU. Sessions follow the spectrum of information management from data organization, analysis, and interpretation to the utilization of information for information sharing, planning, and decision making. … Read more

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Supporting drug and therapeutics committees in Sierra Leone to promote safe, appropriate medicine use

Irrational medicine use and poor pharmaceutical management at all levels are widespread problems in many developing countries, including Sierra Leone. Misuse, underuse, and overuse of medicines; weak systems that compromise medicine safety; the waste of scarce resources due to expiry; and the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are particularly worrying because they directly affect health … Read more

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Human Resource Capacity Development for ART and Pharmaceutical Services in Namibia, October 2014-September 2015

SIAPS Namibia applied the capacity building approach to support the Ministry of Health and Social Services to enhance the capacity of two local training institutions—UNAM-SoP and the NHTC—to train pharmacists and PAs, respectively. With SIAPS technical assistance for defining a career path for PAs, UNAM-SoP started training pharmacy technicians, a new cadre in Namibia. SIAPS also … Read more

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Analysis of Passive Surveillance Data Collected by the Swaziland Pharmacovigilance Unit, October 2016-March 2017

With support from SIAPS, the Swaziland National Pharmacovigilance Unit (NPVU) has been monitoring the safety of medicines used in the county by collecting and collating reports of adverse drug reactions (ADR) and other medicine-related problems through its spontaneous reporting system established under the country’s Ministry of Health in 2009. In addition, SIAPS has been supporting … Read more

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Leadership Development Program Training to Strengthen Pharmaceutical Management in Sierra Leone

In May 2017, SIAPS held a Leadership Development Program (LDP) training to build the capacity of the Directorate of Drugs and Medical Supplies (DDMS), district and hospital pharmacists, and SIAPS field staff. It was the first such training in the country.  The program aims to train pharmacists on basic principles and practices of good leadership, … Read more

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Pediatric Antiretroviral Treatment Uptake, Treatment Adherence, Regimen Switches, and Retention in Care in Namibia

In Namibia, a preliminary review of EDT records suggests that children form a small proportion of the patients accessing ART in any given setting, nationally composing 8% of the patients on ART in the MoHSS facilities. Over the years, managing children has been complicated with formulations that have not been friendly for children, complicated regimens, and … Read more

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Factors Associated With First-Line to Second-Line ART Regimen Switching Identified in the APMR Data Systems in Swaziland

In Swaziland, many observations have revealed that approaches to using the patient and logistics data from the Antiretroviral Therapy Patient Monitoring and Reporting (APMR) and RxSolution data systems were not always comparable, and results of data analysis from these electronic systems have not been adequately incorporated into decision-making processes. To bridge such gaps, a capacity-building … Read more

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A Guide for the Establishment of a Barangay Health Management Council

The concept of a Barangay Health Management Council (BHMC) was developed by a working group comprising technical advisors from SIAPS and health staff from the Quezon City Health Department in late 2011. The BHMC initiative aims to strengthen the delivery of services under the national tuberculosis (TB) control program (NTP) in poor urban communities. This … Read more

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