Archive Technical Area of Work

SIAPS provides technical assistance to the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Medicines Availability in Swaziland

Upon receiving an invitation from the Right Honourable Prime Minister of Swaziland, Dr Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini, SIAPS provided technical assistance to the task team appointed to examine the problem of inconsistent availability of essential medicines. Recent media reports and routine assessments conducted by the SIAPS Program indicated frequent stock-outs of essential medicines and medicinal supplies, … Read more

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Diagnostic des systèmes d’information de gestion logistique (SIGL) en Guinée

Le programme SIAPS travaille avec le Ministère de la Santé de la Guinée afin de renforcer les capacités de gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement pour un meilleur accès aux produits pharmaceutiques et aux services et afin d’améliorer également le Système d’information de Gestion Logistique (SIGL) à tous les niveaux du système de santé. Pour atteindre … Read more


Rapport d’inventaire et de supervision des intrants Ebola en Guinée

Le Ministère de la santé guinéen a décidé d’élaborer un guide de renforcement de la surveillance en vue de consolider les acquis de la riposte contre d’éventuelles épidémies ainsi que la prise de mesures efficaces visant au relèvement du système de surveillance en Guinée. Outre les plans nationaux de distribution ordinaire élaborés, l’unité logistique, en collaboration avec … Read more


Mise en oeuvre de SAGE L100 à la PCG Rapport d’analyse détaillée des exigences

Ce document est le rapport d’analyse détaillée des exigences pour l’automatisation des opérations de la PCG avec SAGE L100 i7 et SAGE Paie. Il a été élaboré par la PCG et S2IT avec l’appui technique du projet SIAPS à travers un atelier et des visites de collecte d’information dans les services de la PCG. Il … Read more


SIAPS partners with the University of Namibia to host the third international medicine utilization research symposium

SIAPS provided technical assistance to the University of Namibia-School of Pharmacy (UNAM-SoP) in organizing the third international Medicines Utilisation Research in Africa (MURIA) workshop and symposium in Windhoek, June 26–28, 2017. With the theme of “Medicine utilisation research in Africa, influencing patient care and policy”, the conference highlighted the importance of building the capacity of … Read more


Strengthening TB Pharmaceutical Management in Region IV-A Through Partnership and Capacity Building

In the Philippines, tuberculosis (TB) is the sixth leading cause of death, mostly affecting the poor and vulnerable populations. Stock-outs of TB medicines in public health facilities compromise treatment of patients with TB because of limited access and additional burden of out-of-pocket expenses for medicines. As part of the improvement of the overall supply chain of … Read more

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Sierra Leone Program Update: Strengthening quantification practices

SIAPS supported the establishment and initial training of a national quantification committee and seven quantification technical working groups in October 2016. The national quantification committee and the technical working groups are coordination mechanisms for effective management of pharmaceuticals in the country. SIAPS also supported the Directorate of Drugs and Medical Supplies (DDMS) and the Free Health Care … Read more

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Report on the Ebola Commodities Quantification for the Period January 2016 through December 2018

To better coordinate activities undertaken by all interested stakeholders to control the Ebola outbreak, the Malian government enacted Decision N° 2014-0850/PM-RM of November 14, 2014, resulting in the development of a contingency plan and the establishment of an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). A quantification exercise was conducted with technical assistance and financing from the SIAPS … Read more

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Report on the Malaria Commodity End-Use Verification Survey for Mali, August 9-31, 2016

This edition of the end-use verification (EUV) survey was conducted from August 9-31, 2016 under the leadership of the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in the regions of Southern and Central Mali. The survey aims to help improve the availability, management, and use of pharmaceuticals and other malaria commodities at public and quasi-public health facilities … Read more

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Guide to Tracking Pharmaceutical Expenditures in a Health System

This guide is designed to take country-level pharmaceutical and financing experts through the System of Health Accounts (SHA) framework as a potential approach that can be adapted to track pharmaceutical expenditures. The guide also reviews important first steps that must be considered to operationalize pharmaceutical expenditure tracking. It is intended to serve as a foundation … Read more

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