SIAPS has supported the Division: Pharmaceutical Services to conduct support supervisory visit (SSVs) to monitor and assess progress of the supported programs and provide recommendations to further strengthen implementation of pharmaceutical service delivery. The SSVs are used to monitor the extent of implementation of interventions aimed at strengthening pharmaceutical services in MRMDs, hospitals, and primary … Read more
SIAPS helped improve pharmaceutical product quality by building the capacity of the Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council (NMRC) to review medicine registration dossiers; inspect pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities and finished (imported) products at ports of entry and in the marketplace; to chemically test medicines compliance with established standards; and monitor overall compliance with applicable regulatory standards and … Read more
The use of antiretrovirals (ARVs) in combination for treating patients with HIV has greatly ameliorated morbidity and mortality by reducing viral load to undetectable levels and boosting the body’s immunity. However serious adverse reactions causing long- or short-term effects have been associated with ARV treatment. These reactions have caused major concerns internationally, potentially threatening patient … Read more
A Mengistu, C Abanoli, E Sagwa, G Mazibuko, H Kagoya, HIV/AIDS, J Gaeseb, Namibia, Pharmacovigilance, Technical Report, tuberculosis
The SIAPS-developed AMR coalition-based strategy identifies educational institutions, such as UNAM; therapeutic committees (TCs); and key institutions involved in AMR, such as the National Institute of Pathology (NIP) as key players in the pre- and in-service training of health care professionals to enhance RMU and combat AMR. SIAPS collaborated with key institutions, including the MoHSS, … Read more
SIAPS supported the MoHSS to design and implement a web-based electronic information system (dashboard) for both patient and stock status in Namibia. It was designed to improve coordination among facility, district, regional, and national stakeholders involved in HIV commodity management; increase the use of pharmaceutical information for management decision making at all levels of health … Read more
B Phulu, D Mabirizi, E Sagwa, EDT, G Mazibuko, HIV/AIDS, HR Kagoya, Logistics Management Information System, Namibia, S Mwinga, Technical Report
The goal of SIAPS in Namibia was to improve the quality and safety of pharmaceutical services to achieve sustained HIV epidemic control. Since 2012, SIAPS focused on interventions that increased the availability of quality antiretrovirals (ARVs), other essential medicines, and services to sustain more than 80% ART coverage of patients in need. SIAPS activities also … Read more
Kibuule, D., Mubita, M., Naikaku, E., Kalemeera, F., Godman, B. B. and Sagwa, E. (2017), An analysis of policies for cotrimoxazole, amoxicillin and azithromycin use in Namibia’s public sector: Findings and therapeutic implications. Int J Clin Pract. doi:10.1111/ijcp.12918 Access the full article
Mutenda N, Bukowski A, Nitschke AM, Nakanyala T, Hamunime N, Mekonen T, Tjituka F, Mazibuko G, Mwinga S, Mabirizi D, Sagwa E, Indongo R, Dean N, Jordan MR, Hong SY. Assessment of the World Health Organization’s HIV drug resistance early warning indicators in main and decentralized outreach antiretroviral therapy sites in Namibia. PLOS One. 2016. … Read more
A Bukowski, AM Nitschke, D Mabirizi, E Sagwa, F Tjituka, G Mazibuko, HIV/AIDS, Journal Article, N Hamunime, N Mutenda, Namibia, S Mwinga, T Mekonen, T Nakanyala
Mann M, Mengistu A, Gaeseb J, Sagwa E, Mazibuko G, Baeten JM, Babigumira JB, Garrison LP, Stergachis A. Sentinel site active surveillance of safety of first-line antiretroviral medicines in Namibia. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2016, Vol 25, Issue 9; 1052-1060. Read the full article
A Mengistu, A Stergachis, E Sagwa, G Mazibuko, HIV/AIDS, J Gaeseb, JB Babigumira, JM Baeten, Journal Article, LP Garrison, M Mann, Namibia
Mann M, Mengistu A, Gaeseb J, Sagwa E, Mazibuko G, Babigumira JB, Garrison Jr LP, Stergachis A. Active surveillance versus spontaneous reporting for first-line antiretroviral medicines in Namibia: A cost-utility analysis. Drug Safety. 2016, Vol. 39, Issue 9; 859-872. Read the full article
A Mengistu, A Stergachis, E Sagwa, G Mazibuko, HIV/AIDS, J Gaeseb, JB Babigumira, Journal Article, LP Garrison, M Mann, Namibia