SIAPS has supported the Division: Pharmaceutical Services to conduct support supervisory visit (SSVs) to monitor and assess progress of the supported programs and provide recommendations to further strengthen implementation of pharmaceutical service delivery. The SSVs are used to monitor the extent of implementation of interventions aimed at strengthening pharmaceutical services in MRMDs, hospitals, and primary health care (PHC) facilities; identify challenges in the services; provide onsite support; and make recommendations to address the challenges. These visits are carried out once a year, and the SSV teams check whether issues identified from previous visits have been addressed. SIAPS has supported the MOHSS to implement strategies to strengthen the inventory management of antiretroviral (ARV) medicines and the ART pharmaceutical system. A stronger inventory management system will enable the country to cope with the scale-up of ART services, which increased quantities of health commodities and more complex inventory management tasks.
- Using Support Supervisory Visits for Monitoring and Mentorship for Pharmaceutical Services Delivery in Namibia — View | Download