by Aubrey Clark, MPH; Mohan P. Joshi, MBBS, MSc, MD Strong health systems are necessary to help prevent and mitigate epidemics, including the oft-overlooked epidemic of antimicrobial resistance. This post originally appeared on MSH’s Global Health Impact Blog as part of a new series on improving the health of the poorest and most vulnerable women, girls, families, … Read more
Archive AMR
Containing Antimicrobial Resistance to Realize the Goals of Universal Health Coverage

Joshi MP. Containing antimicrobial resistance to realize the goals of universal health coverage. Oral presentation at the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) Forum 2016, Tubingen, Germany. May 18-21, 2016.
SIAPS Joins EPN in Issuing Call to Action against Antimicrobial Resistance
Delegates at the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) Forum 2016, agreed upon and issued a Call to Action against antimicrobial resistance during the biannual meeting, held 18-21 May 2016, in Tubingen, Germany. EPN, a partner of the USAID-funded SIAPS Program, issued the renewed call to action with support from SIAPS and other partners. The Call to … Read more
SIAPS Delivers Plenary Presentation on AMR and UHC at EPN Forum 2016
The EPN Forum 2016, held 18-21 May 2016, in Tubingen, Germany, convened EPN constituents and stakeholders to intensify the network’s focus on major challenges in the pharmaceutical sector, including antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The forum was a chance for stakeholders to exchange ideas, share knowledge and best practices, and chart an effective course of action to … Read more
Country and regional level advocacy and coalition-building against antimicrobial resistance

Joshi, M.P.; Andualem, T.; Phulu, B.; Mpundu, M.; Ludman, M. Country and regional level advocacy and coalition-building against antimicrobial resistance. Oral presentation at the 143rd American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Expo, Chicago, IL, USA.
Mitigating antimicrobial resistance: Preventing resistance to HIV medications in Namibia
The USAID-funded SIAPS program has been influential in designing Namibia’s approach to preventing the development of antimicrobial resistance including HIV drug resistance. Due to the rapid scale-up of ART services, Namibia has achieved high ART coverage of the HIV-positive population. Although it can be minimized, HIV drug resistance (HIV-DR) is anticipated to emerge among people … Read more
Fighting AMR in Resource-Limited Settings: Experiences in Swaziland
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) threatens the ability of existing medications to successfully treat common infectious diseases. As microorganisms become resistant to standard treatment, patients remain infectious for longer and increase the risk of spreading the resistant microorganisms. More expensive therapies need to be used for a longer duration to tackle the disease increasing the burden on … Read more
Outcomes of the Journalists’ Capacity-Building Intervention in the Prevention and Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance in Ethiopia, 2012 to 2014

Irrational use of medicines has been a major public health problem, and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global public health and economic threat. AMR has been on the agenda of the annual World Health Assembly meetings. The Food, Medicine, and Health Care Administration and Control Authority (FMHACA) of Ethiopia with technical assistance from SIAPS and … Read more
Containing Antimicrobial Resistance Through Integrated Community Case Management
The integrated community case management (iCCM) of common killers of children under five (diarrhea, pneumonia and malaria) has been implemented in many low-income countries to increase access to treatment and prevent child deaths. iCCM, which has been hailed as a successful strategy by the WHO and UNICEF, involves the delivery of timely and low-cost interventions … Read more
Using a Health-Systems-Strengthening Approach to Contain AMR: A South African Experience
“Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to the long-term security of public health and has the potential to negatively impact our society. It is a serious and growing global health security risk, which needs to be prioritised at local and international levels.”- Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, South African Minister of Health In May 2014, the … Read more