May 2014 Bangladesh Newsletter

The overall goal of the SIAPS/Bangladesh program is to build the capacity of MOHFW and its key directorates—DGFP, DGHS, DGDA, and HED—and other indigenous institutions to efficiently and effectively manage their procurement and supply chain management activities. Special focus will be given to TB commodity management at all levels. Read about their progress toward this … Read more

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A Protocol for Rapid Situational Analysis of the HIV and AIDS Commodity Supply Chain in Seven Target West African Countries

As part of project startup, SIAPS will conduct a situational analysis of seven countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mauritania, Niger, and Togo) to gain an understanding of the current capacity for HIV and AIDS commodities management and supply. The situational analysis will also assess the readiness of the HIV and AIDS commodities information management … Read more

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Malaria Quarterly Updates July-September 2013

This report briefly describes the major activities that SIAPS carried out at the global level as well as in Angola, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, and South Sudan between July and September 2013.

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