Effective Leadership in MOHFW Ensures Availability of Medicines in Bangladesh

To facilitate the formation of PLMC, the Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program, funded by USAID and implemented by Management Sciences for Health, worked with MOHFW to carry out a comprehensive and systematic assessment to assess the procurement and logistics capacity of MOHFW and its entities. The goal was to propose … Read more

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Technical Program Update: Combating Antimicrobial Resistance with Stronger Health Systems

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the world’s most pressing and urgent global health threats— one that could erode the current progress against tuberculosis (TB), malaria, HIV/AIDS, and many other infectious diseases. AMR poses an enormous threat to the safety and feasibility of complex surgeries and procedures like organ transplantation and chemotherapy, but could also … Read more

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Technical Brief: Strengthening Namibia’s Pharmacy Sector and Workforce

Namibia faces a dual public health burden of HIV and AIDS and tuberculosis (TB). Critical to the treatment and management of these diseases is an effective workforce that can provide quality pharmaceutical services throughout the country. Pharmacists and pharmacist assistants (PAs) play critical roles in dispensing life-saving medications, monitoring patient health and progress, and educating both patients and other health … Read more

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Strengthening the National Malaria Control Program in South Sudan

The Government of South Sudan expends significant resources in the fight against malaria. With support from development partners, it has invested in personnel, infrastructure, and the procurement and distribution of malaria commodities in the country. As one of the key partners supporting government efforts to control malaria, SIAPS has been working to build the capacity … Read more

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Technical Approach to Developing a Strategic Plan to Strengthen the Central Medical Store: The Case of Pharmacie Populaire du Mali

This document describes the techniques and experiences of and lessons learned from developing a strategic plan for the Pharmacie Populaire du Mali (PPM). Technical assistance providers, managers of pharmaceutical supply chain organizations, and consultants can adapt this information to suit local contexts and needs and apply it to their own public health pharmaceutical supply chain … Read more

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Guidance on Elements to Consider when Planning for the Integration of Oxytocin into the EPI Cold Chain

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to national program managers who are considering integrating oxytocin into the EPI cold chain. It is intended for representatives from relevant offices of the Ministry of Health (MoH), such as Pharmacy, Central Medical Stores, and Maternal and Child Health, as well as other policy makers, stakeholders, and … Read more

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Systems-based Approaches to Improving Medication Adherence

With the shift from a disease landscape that focuses on the treatment of acute and short-term illnesses to one that faces an increasing burden of chronic diseases that may require life-long medicine use, the role of medicines in ensuring a healthy population is more important than ever. However,even when medicines are available, patients may not … Read more

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SIAPS Provides Technical Assistance to National Malaria Control Program to Conduct Malaria Indicator Surveys

The USAID-funded SIAPS Program is working closely with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of South Sudan, state Ministries of Health (with a focus on the two former states of Central and Western Equatoria), and other partners to improve the overall management of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies and ensure the availability of quality pharmaceutical … Read more

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Continuous Results Monitoring and Support System Tracks Post-Ebola Recovery in Sierra Leone

The catastrophic Ebola epidemic that began in 2014 aggravated Sierra Leone’s already weak pharmaceutical supply system. The country’s pharmaceutical storage, handling, distribution, and waste disposal programs were in dire need of improvement. A “push system” of standardized medicine deliveries without reliable use data compromised inventory control and accurate forecasting, leading to frequent stock-outs or overstocks. … Read more

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Strengthening Post-Ebola Recovery and Resiliency in Four Countries

A strong pharmaceutical management system is critical for responding to and preventing public health emergencies. The US Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program, implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH), is helping four countries affected by Ebola—Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mali, and Benin—recover and rebuild essential drug … Read more

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