SIAPS Bangladesh Newsletter: January – June 2017

Inside this issue: SIAPS Coorganizes D4D in Health Conference in Dhaka Square Hospital Limited: A Journey Toward Medicine Safety in Bangladesh 18th LCF Meeting Held SIAPS Assists DGFP to Cope with Post-Fire Supply Management Challenges DGDA’s GMP Inspection Capacity Strengthened SIAPS Develops Interoperability between DHIS2 and e-TB Manager Basic Logistics Management Capacity of DGHS Officials … Read more

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Enhanced TB Microscopy Training of Trainers

This document is a compilation of the training materials used for the course entitled “Enhanced TB Microscopy Training of Trainers.” The course was held on July 25 to 29, 2016, at the Cebu TB Reference Laboratory in Cebu City, Philippines, and is part of the activities under the National TB Program (NTP) Laboratory Training Decentralization … Read more

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DHIS2 and e-TB Manager Interoperability: Creating a Stronger Digital Health System in Bangladesh

In 2015, at the request of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), SIAPS undertook a comprehensive mapping exercise of the existing HIS tools in the country to review their scopes and performances and explore opportunities to link the tools to improve efficiency. The assessment included a deep dive into the DHIS2 platform to assess the system’s capacity, … Read more

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EML Harmonization Process in Ukraine

The availability of a unified essential medicines list (EML) with evidence-based clinical efficacy to be used by the Ministry of Health (MOH) for the state-guaranteed package of services is an essential part of the successful launch of the health care reform initiative in Ukraine. This required the development and institutionalization of a process to ensure … Read more

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Amélioration de la disponibilité et de l’accessibilité des produits et médicaments essentiels par l’opérationnalisation d’un système d’information pour la gestion logistique en Guinée

Malgré d’importantes ressources financières consacrées par le Gouvernement et les partenaires au développement pour renforcer la chaîne d’approvisionnement des produits de santé, des insuffisances majeures entravent le fonctionnement effectif du système de logistique en Guinée. Le programme SIAPS travaille avec le ministère de la Santé pour l’amélioration du système d’information. Dans le souci de rendre disponibles … Read more

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Manuel de Procédures de gestion Logistique Intégrée des Produits Pharmaceutiques

Le ministère de la santé a mis en place un système d’approvisionnement en médicaments essentiels financé à terme par un système de recouvrement des coûts et en produits de programmes de santé cédés gratuitement à la population. Dans le souci d’une utilisation optimale des ressources, il est nécessaire de mettre en place des procédures et des outils … Read more


Square Hospital Limited: a Journey toward Medicine Safety in Bangladesh

As a pharmacist, Md. Jahidul Hasan has worked in several hospitals, but it was not until he joined Square Hospital Limited (SHL) that he learned about pharmacovigilance (PV). SHL is a 400-bed tertiary care private hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh, that serves an average of 1,200 out-patients each day. The Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA), with … Read more

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Building Coalitions for Containing Antimicrobial Resistance: A Guide

This guide aims to help individuals, organizations, and governments develop, establish, and maintain effective multidisciplinary and multisectoral coalitions to combat AMR. This document provides guidance on building and strengthening coalitions to combat AMR through five key elements. It primarily focuses on the creation and establishment of new coalitions; however, these elements are relevant throughout the … Read more

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Strengthening the Pharmaceutical System in Sierra Leone after Ebola

SIAPS received two years of funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in September 2015 to provide technical assistance to rebuild and strengthen the post-Ebola pharmaceutical supply chain management system and improve the supply chain and rational medicine use in Sierra Leone. To support these goals, SIAPS provides technical assistance for systems strengthening activities … Read more

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Sierra Leone Project Update: Continuous Results Monitoring and Support System

In May 2016, SIAPS began helping Sierra Leone institute a Continuous Results Monitoring and Support System (CRMS) to assess baseline challenges in pharmaceutical management and regularly track and support improvement in key areas. The CRMS uses a series of indicators related to medicine consumption and availability, disease case management, storage conditions and practices, inventory control and … Read more

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