Quality and Safety of HIV/AIDS Medicines in Namibia October 2015-September 2016

In the last five years, SIAPS has provided technical assistance to the Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council (NMRC) to strengthen its capacity for registration and quality testing by training technical staff in medicines dossier evaluation, developing guidelines for conducting the routine PMS of quality of medicines, and collecting medicine samples at selected ART and TB treatment sites … Read more

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Manual de tratamiento de la malaria

La Malaria o Paludismo es una enfermedad parasitaria, producida por protozoarios del género Plasmodium spp., transmitida por la picadura de un mosquito hembra del género Anopheles. En Bolivia, los casos de malaria son producidos por dos especies parasitarias: P .falciparum y P. vivax. Para que se produzca la enfermedad y se genere el ciclo de … Read more


Technical Assistance to Strengthen the Angola Central Medical Warehouse System

The purpose of this activity was to design and implement warehouse operations system improvements for CECOMA, and to design and implement a human resource capability development and performance improvement (HRCD&PI) program based on the identified gaps.  The assignment entailed conducting a rapid analysis of warehouse and distribution system capacity, including staff capacity, to identify gaps … Read more

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Research protocol for the KAP study of Malaria treatment in Suriname

In order to completely eradicate malaria in Suriname, it is important that gold miners and other inhabitants of gold mining areas test for malaria, use the prescribed treatment, and use the treatment correctly. The Government of Suriname malaria program aims to launch an intervention campaign to motivate gold miners to improve their treatment behavior. In … Read more

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Model Business Process Flows for Registration of Medicines: A Guide for Establishing a Standardized Generic Version of SIAPS Pharmadex Software

The introduction of Pharmadex has so far targeted individual country requirements. Currently, under the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization initiatives, efforts are underway to adopt common and harmonized processes and communication platforms for medicine registration in regional economic communities, such as EAC, ECOWAS, and the Southern African Development Community. The purpose of this report is therefore … Read more

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Strengthening the Supply Chain Governance Framework for Pharmaceuticals and Health Products in the Philippines – Technical Brief

The Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Project, funded by the US Agency for International Development, helps countries promote access to safe, quality, and cost-effective pharmaceuticals and health commodities by using a system strengthening approach that engages stakeholders, builds and strengthens existing health systems, or establishes a new one, if necessary. SIAPS … Read more

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Strengthening the Supply Chain Governance Framework for Pharmaceuticals and Health Products in the Philippines

The Department of Health (DOH) is ultimately responsible and accountable for ensuring that Filipinos have access to quality health services. An effective supply chain is essential for DOH to ensure that lifesaving health products are available, accessible, and effectively used for clients.  Recently, the DOH has shown its commitment by creating the Supply Chain Management Unit … Read more

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Philippines Pharmacovigilance Training

SIAPS conducted a training on pharmacovigilance (PV) to increase the capacity of the National Tuberculosis Program, the Lung Center of the Philippines, Pharmaceutical Division, and Food and Drug Administration. Strengthening the capacity of staff in these organizations and other stakeholders in this area of PV reinforces current safe scale-up efforts and introduction of these lifesaving … Read more

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Assessment of the Neglected Tropical Diseases Pharmaceutical Management System in Senegal

Supply chain constraints plague current neglected tropical disease (NTD) prevention and treatment programs. The rapid expansion of NTD control activities has not been without pharmaceutical and health system challenges. Inadequate NTD drug management in many countries has resulted in excess stocks, leading to waste resulting from drug expiry or stock-outs, leading to treatment interruption. SIAPS has … Read more

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