Archive Where We Work

SIAPS closes in Ethiopia

On 17 March 2017, SIAPS Ethiopia held a closing ceremony in Addis Ababa. Guests from partner government and non-government organizations, USAID, universities and health facilities were present at the event and expressed their appreciation for the systems strengthening work SIAPS has done in Ethiopia. SIAPS has been in Ethiopia for the last five years working … Read more

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Improving data for decision making: Philippines adopts SIAPS-developed Pharmacovigilance Monitoring System

With the introduction of new anti-tuberculosis (TB) medicines and novel TB treatment regimens in the Philippines, active pharmacovigilance is needed to ensure that both patient safety and the effectiveness of the treatment are monitored. As an important step in pharmacovigilance implementation, the Philippine Department of Health – Pharmaceutical Division (DOH-PD) has adopted the Pharmacovigilance Monitoring … Read more

Improving Storage Conditions through De-Junking at County Health Department Medical Stores in South Sudan

SIAPS provided technical and financial support for the de-junking of CHD medical stores in the sixteen counties of the two states. The exercise was completed over a period of one and a half years. CHD de-junking committees were formed to oversee the process. The committees were inclusive, comprising State Ministry of Health (SMOH) officers, county … Read more

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Outcome of Auditable Pharmaceutical Transactions and Services Implementation: Assessment Report

This report presents results of the assessment on implementation of Auditable Pharmaceutical Transaction and Services (APTS), a package of interventions designed to improve the quality of pharmaceutical services at public health facilities. The development and implementation of this intervention has been supported by the SIAPS program, which is implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH) … Read more

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Pharmacovigilance Monitoring System Readiness Assessment, Philippine Department of Health

SIAPS, in partnership with the FDA, NTP, and LCP-NCPR, conducted a readiness assessment to determine the current information technology (IT) infrastructure, human resources, processes, and data management and quality control mechanisms available and to identify gaps in the current PV recording and reporting of patients in the seven Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant TB (PMDT) treatment … Read more

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IT solution for pharmacovigilance supports rational use of quality, safe, and effective medicines

An online system for monitoring and reporting cases of adverse drug reactions and lack of efficacy of medicines comprehensively addresses the need for improved access to quality, safe, and effective medicines. “The evaluation and analysis of PAIS system in Ukraine has brought out gaps and identified recommendations on operational PAIS system optimization and enhancing its … Read more


Using the Electronic Dispensing Tool to Retain Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in Namibia

Compiled by Wezi Tjaronda (SIAPS), Samson Mwinga (SIAPS), Harriet Kagoya (SIAPS), and Greatjoy Mazibuko (SIAPS) At the Kaisosi settlement in Rundu, Namibia, antiretroviral therapy (ART) patients who were once lost to follow up (LTFU) are returning for care. One of these patients, Domingos Christophine*, a 39-year-old single mother, began ART at the Kuisebmund clinic in … Read more


Guidelines for Redistribution of Excess and Near-Expiry Essential Medicines between Public Health Facilities in South Sudan

The increased shortages and stock-out of essential medicines have raised the need to understand the causes of medicine expiries and subsequently develop strategies for their prevention and management.The MOH has developed this document to empower health workers at all levels to redistribute medicines and supplies that are not needed or are about to expire. Therefore, … Read more

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Rapport de quantification des intrants antipaludiques, 2016 – 2021

Pour informer le Ministère de la santé (MS) de la Guinée des besoins du pays et assurer un approvisionnement suffisant en produits antipaludiques, il est essentiel de développer des prévisions précises et reproductibles et un plan d’approvisionnements pour les besoins futurs. A cette fin, le groupe technique – gestion des achats et des stocks (GT-GAS), … Read more

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