Archive SIAPS News

SIAPS in The Lancet Global Health blog

Motivated frontline health workers play a key role in achieving global strategies to fight tuberculosis, writes SIAPS Principal Technical Advisor Niranjan Konduri for The Lancet Global Health blog. Using the story of Irina Chaban, a Ukrainian TB doctor, as an example, Mr. Konduri highlights the challenges health workers in low- and middle-income countries must overcome while working to eradicate … Read more

New course on good governance in the management of medicines now available

From the development of sound policies and legislation, to the selection, procurement, and distribution of medicines; governance issues permeate all levels of the pharmaceutical sector and heavily influence the availability and accessibility of medicines and other health commodities. The USAID-funded SIAPS project is pleased to announce the launch of a new course on USAID’s Global Health … Read more

Launch of QuanTB 3.0

The USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) program is excited to announce the launch of a new version of the QuanTB tool, version 3.0. QuanTB is a downloadable electronic forecasting, quantification, and early warning tool designed to improve procurement processes, ordering, and planning for TB treatment. QuanTB transforms complicated calculations into … Read more

SIAPS launches new PViMS tool for improved pharmacovigilance

This week, at the 46th Union World Conference on Lung Health, the USAID-funded SIAPS Program is launching a new tool to improve pharmacovigilance in low- and middle-income countries. Although all medicines undergo rigorous clinical testing prior to being made publicly available, continuing to monitor the safety and effectiveness of medicines in real world settings, also referred to … Read more


Join SIAPS at #WCLH2015

This week, SIAPS joins delegates from all over the globe for the 46th Union World Conference on Lung Health (#WCLH2015), in Cape Town, South Africa. At this year’s conference, SIAPS staff will present at several sessions focusing on how strong pharmaceutical systems support efforts to end TB including increasing access to TB medicines, expanding pharmacovigilance systems, … Read more

Ethiopia: Oromia Regional Council ratifies APTS regulation

On October 30, 2015, proposed regulations for implementation of the Auditable Pharmaceutical Transactions and Services (APTS) system were unanimously enacted by the Oromia Regional Council. The Council accepted all articles of the regulation and recommended immediate implementation of APTS in the region. APTS is a package of data-driven interventions that support a continuous supply of essential medicines, … Read more

Ukraine’s Ministry of Health highlights SIAPS pharmacovigilance tool at WHO meeting

At the 38th Annual Meeting of Representatives of National Pharmacovigilance Centres participating in the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring, held in New Delhi, India from 4-6 November, Olena Matvieieva from Ukraine’s Ministry of Health (MOH) presented the ways in which SIAPS and the MOH are working to improve the methodology and systems for passive … Read more

New Global Health eLearning Course published on antimicrobial resistance

The second in the series, the newly published, SIAPS-authored course on Antimicrobial Resistance expands upon the concepts presented in Part 1 and explains the major factors that contribute to the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance. The course also explores some of the proven interventions and global strategies currently being used to combat AMR, reviews … Read more

National Pneumonia Day in DRC

The Ministry of Health (MoH) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)—with support from USAID through the Integrated Health Project and SIAPS Program, as well as UNICEF and other partners—has organized a National Pneumonia Day to raise awareness of pneumonia prevention and management.  DRC’s National Pneumonia Day falls on November 12, coinciding with World Pneumonia Day. … Read more

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SIAPS Program presents at ISPOR European Congress

SIAPS Portfolio Manager Edgar Barillas will present three posters at the 18th Annual European Congress of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), to be held November 7-11, 2015 in Milan, Italy. Dr. Barillas’ posters will focus on SIAPS Program’s work in the Dominican Republic, including: Increasing ARV access through a transition from a vertical supply system … Read more