SIAPS Cameroon Holds Closing Ceremony Event

SIAPS Cameroon’s Closing Ceremony Event took place on the 25th of August 2016 in Yaoundé. It was chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Profesor Koulla-Shiro, and accompanied by the General Inspector of the Ministry of Health, Professeur Biwole Sida, the US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. David Brownstein, the Permanent Secretary … Read more

SIAPS and K4Health Update and Publish Free e-Learning Courses on Antimicrobial Resistance

By Aubrey Clark, Technical Advisor for Pharmaceutical Services, and Mohan P. Joshi, Principal Technical Advisor and Cluster Lead for Pharmaceutical Services On September 21st, global leaders attending this year’s United Nations General Assembly will discuss one of the most pressing global public health threats of our time: antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This AMR meeting is only the … Read more

USAID Philippines Health Highlights for Lung Month 2016: SIAPS Improves Capacity of Health Care Workers

For #LungMonth2016, USAID Philippines shares SIAPS support in strengthening the National TB Control Program’s capacity in forecasting and quantification of TB drugs supply. Read USAID Philippines’s stories on the SIAPS forecasting tool and how it is being used to eliminate #tuberculosis in the Philippines: Stay connected and join the conversation on how we can eliminate tuberculosis: Tweet us … Read more

Diagnostic and Treatment Guideline and the Pharmaceutical Formulary for Primary Health Facilities

On August 25, 2016, The National Health Service presented the Diagnostic and Treatment Guideline and the Pharmaceutical Formulary for Primary Health Facilities, aiming to improve the early diagnosis and timely treatment of the most important health problems affecting the Dominicans, including -among others- the opportunistic infections in HIV/AIDS patients. SIAPS supported the development of these documents by updating … Read more

A Framework and Guide to Establishing Quality Assured and Accredited Continuing Pharmaceutical Education

The lack of a trained health care workforce creates a barrier to the delivery of quality health services. Inadequate knowledge and limited or outdated skills can be obstacles to achieving positive health outcomes. Advances in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases, new technologies, and systems and process improvements, as well as changes in professional roles … Read more

Preparing for the National Campaign for Family Planning with OSPSANTE

The fertility rate in Mali is high, and the rate of contraceptive use has risen gradually since 1996, reaching just over 10% in 2013. Family planning is one of the essential components of reproductive and primary health care. Download this article as a PDF The US Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Systems for Improved Access … Read more

Global Survey of Over 2,000 Users Reveals High Satisfaction with e-TB Manager

By Kelly Sawyer, Technical Associate – TB An 18-point anonymous, global satisfaction survey of over 2,000 users of e-TB Manager from 9 countries yielded a 76% response rate. A web-based tool for managing all the information needed by national tuberculosis (TB) control programs, e-TB Manager integrates data across all aspects of TB control. The user … Read more

SIAPS Launches Innovative Digital Health Tool in Georgia to Monitor Adverse Drug Reactions

In April 2015, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Janssen Therapeutics officially launched the bedaquiline donation initiative. As part of this initiative, Janssen committed to providing bedaquiline at no cost to 30,000 patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) over a four-year period. Bedaquiline is the first anti-TB medicine to be approved by the U.S. Food … Read more

Pharmacy Services: An Essential Piece in Achieving the 90:90:90 Goals of Ending HIV

By Kidwell Matshotyana, SIAPS Country Project Director Many countries have made significant progress in fighting HIV over the past decade. Investing in technical assistance, procuring antiretrovirals (ARVs), and training health care workers have meant that fewer people die from HIV infections. Today, a world without AIDS is closer than we have ever imagined. We are … Read more

Disposal Initiative Allows Bangladesh Hospital to Reclaim Space, Reduce Health Risks

Every piece of medical equipment has a life cycle, and at the end of that cycle, it becomes unusable. Large numbers of unusable items have been stored for years in the Sher-E-Bangla Medical College (SHEBACHIM) Hospital and many other public health care facilities in Bangladesh. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) issued several … Read more