Ukraine’s Ministry of Health highlights SIAPS pharmacovigilance tool at WHO meeting

At the 38th Annual Meeting of Representatives of National Pharmacovigilance Centres participating in the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring, held in New Delhi, India from 4-6 November, Olena Matvieieva from Ukraine’s Ministry of Health (MOH) presented the ways in which SIAPS and the MOH are working to improve the methodology and systems for passive … Read more

New Global Health eLearning Course published on antimicrobial resistance

The second in the series, the newly published, SIAPS-authored course on Antimicrobial Resistance expands upon the concepts presented in Part 1 and explains the major factors that contribute to the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance. The course also explores some of the proven interventions and global strategies currently being used to combat AMR, reviews … Read more

National Pneumonia Day in DRC

The Ministry of Health (MoH) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)—with support from USAID through the Integrated Health Project and SIAPS Program, as well as UNICEF and other partners—has organized a National Pneumonia Day to raise awareness of pneumonia prevention and management.  DRC’s National Pneumonia Day falls on November 12, coinciding with World Pneumonia Day. … Read more

Every breath counts: Improve health outcomes for pneumonia through better access to pharmaceuticals and services

Pneumonia is the leading infectious disease killer of children under five, killing more than 900,000 children— the vast majority in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa— every year. Reductions in childhood pneumonia deaths lag behind reductions in deaths due to malaria, diarrhea, measles and AIDS, and many of these children die because of delays in care … Read more

Institutionalizing e-TB Manager as a national TB registry in Ukraine

Ukraine has the second-highest burden of TB in the European region. According to the Ukraine’s Ministry of Health, TB is the leading cause of death from infectious diseases in the country. Ukraine’s efforts at TB control use a mix of standardized approaches, including Stop TB strategies, as well as directly observed therapy short-course (DOTS) guidelines … Read more

SIAPS Program presents at ISPOR European Congress

SIAPS Portfolio Manager Edgar Barillas will present three posters at the 18th Annual European Congress of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), to be held November 7-11, 2015 in Milan, Italy. Dr. Barillas’ posters will focus on SIAPS Program’s work in the Dominican Republic, including: Increasing ARV access through a transition from a vertical supply system … Read more

Investigating the potential of drones to improve health outcomes

Since 2014, SIAPS, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) in the Dominican Republic (DR), has been developing the design of a supply chain for HIV and tuberculosis (TB) laboratory samples that offers national coverage, including rural areas. Recently, the MOH approached SIAPS seeking technical advice on the feasibility of implementing and using unmanned aerial … Read more

Administration of e-TB Manager Transferred to Ukrainian MoH

On October 16, SIAPS Program officially transferred administration of e-TB manager, a web-based TB information system, to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health (MoH). e-TB Manager was piloted in six Ukrainian oblasts in 2010 under SIAPS Program’s predecessor, the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Program, before a nationwide roll-out began in 2012. e-TB Manager is now an official information … Read more

Drug safety and monitoring are key as bedaquiline donation program launches in Georgia

In April 2015, USAID and Janssen Therapeutics officially launched the bedaquiline donation initiative, under which Janssen committed to providing free bedaquiline to 30,000 patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) over a four-year period. Bedaquiline is the first anti-TB medicine to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in more than 40 years, and is … Read more

Pharmadex launches in Mozambique, streamlining medicines registration

On October 1, the Pharmacy Department within Mozambique’s Ministry of Health successfully launched Pharmadex—a major achievement, and a significant step toward making the country’s medicines registration system more effective and transparent. Pharmadex, a SIAPS-supported web-based tool, supports a more efficient medicines registration process by organizing and housing all relevant information needed for an application to … Read more