Archive RMNCH

Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program Inventory of Key Technical Resources

The main purpose of this inventory is to serve as a reference to help stakeholders working in the pharmaceutical sector easily access and use already available SIAPS resources, including tools, experiences, and results. The document is also intended to serve as a technical legacy for SIAPS to support knowledge exchange and sustainability of related work. … Read more

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SIAPS MNCH Core End of Project Report

SIAPS worked with global and in-country partners to improve access to and use of life-saving medicines for women and children, thereby contributing to ending preventable child and maternal deaths. By promoting a pharmaceutical systems strengthening approach, SIAPS activities went beyond addressing supply chain challenges to incorporate interventions to positively affect the system as a whole, … Read more


Keep Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Medicines Safe: Introducing MNCH commodities into a pharmacovigilance system

As countries aim to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, there is an emphasis on increasing the availability of medicines. However, poor quality products or dispensing methods may decrease treatment effectiveness or even result in patient death. ADEs negatively affect patient care and increase costs to the system. A functioning PV system monitors these events and triggers … Read more

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OSPSANTE: Guide de l’Utilisateur

L’objectif de l’outil OSPSANTE est de capturer, de suivre, d’agréger et de diffuser des informations sur les produits de Nutrition et de lutte contre le paludisme, la PF, la SMI et le VIH, pour soutenir la prise de décision basée sur des éléments de preuve au Mali. L’outil OSPSANTE aidera le pays et les organisations … Read more

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Rapport de quantification des produits de la planification familiale pour la période de janvier 2016 à décembre 2020

L’un des piliers de la sécurité des produits de planification familiale (PF) est la disponibilité continue et optimale des produits de PF. Une bonne quantification de ces produits fondée sur des évidences est un maillon essentiel dans le cadre de la sécurité des produits, car elle assure la planification et la mobilisation des ressources nécessaires, … Read more

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SIAPS Quarterly Report: Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Portfolio Project Year 7, Quarter 2

The overall objective is to provide support and overarching guidance on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health commodity financing and supply chain management approaches to the Global Financing Facility secretariat and participating countries. Highlights this quarter included an orientation workshop for 10 new GFF countries held in Accra, Ghana, at the end of January … Read more


Department of Health Training Guide on Warehousing and Distribution of Family Planning, TB, and other Health Commodities in the Philippines

This guide is written for the DOH Philippines’ LMD. It can be used as support material in the training and development of new and existing staff involved in warehouse and distribution operations at all levels, particularly those who are involved in the process of receiving, putaway and storing, picking and packing, and dispatching of FP, … Read more

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Focus on Priority and Emerging Health Issues

Comprehensive strategies and actions for monitoring the safety of medicines are essential to a well-functioning pharmaceutical sector. The links below highlight recent SIAPS Program work in priority and emerging health issues to strengthen health systems. SIAPS Voices series “You can’t achieve UHC without thinking about gender” In public health, when you’re designing an intervention you’re … Read more

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Facilitating Adherence to Amoxicillin Dispersible Tablets for the Treatment of Childhood Pneumonia

The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility, acceptability and user friendliness of job aids and dispensing envelopes for facilitating increased adherence to amoxicillin dispersible tablets (DT) for treatment of childhood pneumonia among community health workers (CHWs), facility based health workers and caregivers of children.

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Now Available: RMNCH Quantification Supplement Webinar Recording

The UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities (UNCoLSC) Supply Chain Technical Resource Team developed a quantification supplement covering 13 underused reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health commodities with great lifesaving potential. These 13 commodities, prioritized by the UNCoLSC, have diverse characteristics: some are new products in the process of being introduced, while others have been in … Read more

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