Leadership, Management, and Governance Evidence Compendium: Medical Products, Vaccines, and Technologies

This brief on “Medical Products, Vaccines, and Technologies” is one of the chapters of the Leadership, Management, and Governance Evidence Compendium. The USAID-funded Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) Project collaborated with the USAID-funded SIAPS program to develop this chapter. The compendium contributes to the evidence base and advocates for continued investment in Leadership, Management, and Governance (L+M+G) activities by examining and documenting the evidence … Read more

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Rapport de l’enquête sur la vérification de l’utilisation finale des produits de lutte contre le paludisme au Mali, août 9-29, 2017

La présente édition de l’EUV a été réalisée août 9-29, 2017, sous la direction du PNLP dans les régions du sud du Mali. L’objectif de l’étude est de contribuer à améliorer la disponibilité, la gestion, et l’utilisation des médicaments et autres intrants antipaludiques dans les structures sanitaires publiques et parapubliques du Mali. C’est une étude … Read more

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Rapport de l’atelier de formation des acteurs du niveau périphérique sur le portail Ebola de l’outil de suivi des produits de santé (OSPSANTE)

La formation des acteurs du niveau périphérique sur le portail Ebola de l’outil de suivi des produits de santé (OSPSANTE) a été réalisée du 18 au 22 septembre 2017 dans la salle de conférence du COU. Elle a réuni 40 acteurs au total : deux facilitateurs de SIAPS et trois du DOU-SP et 35 prestataires … Read more

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Community-based Group ARV Dispensing Improves ART Services in Namibia

The US Ambassador to Namibia, H.E. Thomas F. Daughton, launched CBART group ARV refills on June 1, 2017. These groups are implemented widely in Onandjokwe and other districts in northern Namibia, where the HIV burden is high. During the CBART group ARV refill initiative launch, the ambassador remarked “simple solutions = best solutions; bring the … Read more

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Development of Swaziland’s National Antimicrobial Resistance Containment Strategic Plan

SIAPS has been proactive in supporting Swaziland in various areas of the pharmaceutical sector, which has contributed to the containment of antimicrobial resistance. During the process of developing the National AMR Containment Strategic Plan, the stakeholders and the AMR committee have learned valuable lessons—in particular, the importance of the One Health approach, as well as the … Read more

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Applying Principles of Pharmacoeconomics to Improve Medical Product Selection and Use in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Trainer’s Guide

Tools and materials are needed for pharmacoeconomic evaluation and health technology assessment (HTA) training to strengthen health systems and increase and support their capacity to perform HTA in resource-limited countries. Training on how to apply pharmacoeconomics to essential medicines selection should focus on equipping health care workers, regulatory authorities, public health program personnel, and academic … Read more

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Evaluation of community case management of malaria in the pilot health districts of Ghombo, Gashoho, and Mabayi

To accelerate achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and universal health coverage, Burundi has implemented different strategies, including PECADOM, or home-based community management of malaria. A PECADOM implementation guide was developed that compiled relevant information to inform the Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS officials about its implementation. The overall goal of … Read more

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