To accelerate achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and universal health coverage, Burundi has implemented different strategies, including PECADOM, or home-based community management of malaria. A PECADOM implementation guide was developed that compiled relevant information to inform the Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS officials about its implementation. The overall goal of PECADOM is to help reduce mortality caused by malaria.This document is an external evaluation report conducted in the three districts of Gashoho, Gahombo, and Mabayi, after 24, 19, and 12 months of implementation, respectively. The following chapters present the objectives and methodology of the evaluation, the key findings, lessons learned, challenges, and conclusions and recommendations.
- Evaluation of community case management of malaria in the pilot health districts of Ghombo, Gashoho, and Mabayi — View | Download