2017 Regional Planning Workshop for Laboratory Network Strengthening: Expansion of Rapid TB Diagnostic Laboratories and Strengthening EQA-DSSM Implementation

The National TB Reference Laboratory (NTRL) organized two planning workshops to assist the 17 Department of Health (DOH) regional NTP teams in developing their action plans for the expansion of the rapid TB diagnostic laboratories (RTDLs) and for strengthening the laboratory systems. The objectives of the workshop were to assist the regional NTP teams in … Read more

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Decentralizing ART Services through the Differentiated Care Model in Namibia

SIAPS has supported the ART program and the Division of Pharmaceutical Services to implement ART decentralization strategies. SIAPS has collaborated with other USAID-funded implementing partners in the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for implementing CBART services and in designing process flows for the movement of patients between the community and ART facilities, including pharmacy … Read more

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Implementing a Dashboard for Pharmaceutical Information in Namibia

SIAPS supported the MoHSS to design and implement a web-based electronic information system (dashboard) for both patient and stock status in Namibia. It was designed to improve coordination among facility, district, regional, and national stakeholders involved in HIV commodity management; increase the use of pharmaceutical information for management decision making at all levels of health … Read more

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NTP Laboratory Network Assessment: Strategic Directions to Improve Access and Quality of TB Diagnostic Services Assessment Report

The National TB Program has embarked on the new Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan Phase One: 2017–2022, setting targets and objectives to significantly reduce TB mortality and prevalence by 2022. Among the key activities in the plan is to ensure the access of all priority patients to rapid TB diagnosis along with drug susceptibility testing … Read more

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SIAPS Neglected Tropical Disease End of Project Report

Several partners and initiatives contribute to the control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) at the global level. However, deficiencies in the capacity of NTD programs to manage the donation, storage, and distribution of neglected tropical disease drugs (NTDDs) for mass drug administration (MDA) still remain. Working in tandem with partners, stakeholders, and NTD … Read more


Inventory Control and Good Storage Practices Training for Primary Health Care Nurses and Pharmacy Staff in Khomas, Ohangwena, and Otjozondjupa Regions, Namibia

Although SIAPS introduced a number of automated inventory control tools, such as the Facility Electronic Stock Card (FESC) and Electronic Dispensing Tool (EDT) for district hospitals, since June 2015, at the primary health care (PHC) level, inventory control and storage practice are a major challenge and the major cause of stock-out of medicines for antiretroviral … Read more

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Benin National Supply Chain Assessment

In an effort to improve the health status of the Beninese population, a priority activity included in the 2015 convention between the US Government, represented by USAID, and the Benin Government, represented by the Ministry of Health (MOH), was to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the public health supply chain, focused on essential medicines that … Read more

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Department of Health Training Guide on Warehousing and Distribution of Family Planning, TB, and other Health Commodities in the Philippines

This guide is written for the DOH Philippines’ LMD. It can be used as support material in the training and development of new and existing staff involved in warehouse and distribution operations at all levels, particularly those who are involved in the process of receiving, putaway and storing, picking and packing, and dispatching of FP, … Read more

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Development of Standard Operating Procedures to Strengthen Demand and Supply Planning of DOH Philippines

In line with the objective of the Department of Health (DOH) to strengthen supply chain management for pharmaceuticals and health commodities and ensure access for all Filipinos, this technical assistance aimed to support the DOH in strengthening demand and supply planning for pharmaceuticals. The assistance aimed to facilitate consensus building to harmonize demand and supply … Read more

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Capacity Building for Healthcare Personnel to Manage Pharmaceutical Services at ART and NIMART Sites, October 2015 to September 2016

SIAPS supported the Ministry of Health and Social Services to enhance capacity of pharmaceutical HR to manage pharmaceutical services in public health facilities in Namibia. The major objectives of the activities were to build HR capacity in pharmaceutical management and service delivery for improved HIV and AIDS treatment outcomes and improve availability and use of … Read more

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