Archive Rwanda

Management of Essential Maternal Health Medicines: Examples from Rwanda and Kenya

Download Presented at Global Maternal Health Conference 2013 during the session Improving Access to Essential Maternal Health Medicines. Read more about the conference here.

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Rapid Assessment of Pharmaceutical Management of Medicines and Supplies for Preventing and Managing Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Conditions in Rwanda

The specific objectives of the rapid assessment were to—determine the availability, stock-outs, and stock on hand of MNH pharmaceuticals at the moment of the interviewer’s visit and for the 6 months before the assessment, review the procurement and quantification procedures, describe the distribution chain, evaluate the storage conditions and inventory management of MNH pharmaceuticals along … Read more

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Unmet Need for Oxytocin in Rwanda

As the data demonstrates, there is a gap between the amount procured and the amount required for the full implementation of the active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) as only 69% of the theoretical need is being made available at the central level. In addition, despite the guidelines stating that oxytocin should … Read more

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