This infographic provides an overview of select SIAPS interventions and results in line with six core health system functions: governance; capacity building; information for decision-making; financing; supply chain; and pharmaceutical services.
This infographic provides an overview of select SIAPS interventions and results in line with six core health system functions: governance; capacity building; information for decision-making; financing; supply chain; and pharmaceutical services.
Theresia Cloete was diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) in 2002. She was put on treatment but after four months stopped taking her TB medication. Last year, she was diagnosed with drug-resistant TB. Like Cloete, many TB patients stop taking their life-saving medication before they are cured. She is now one of eight in-patients waiting for stabilization … Read more
The UN adoption of the SDGs in 2015 signaled a strong commitment of member countries to the expanded access to essential health service agenda and definitively recognized the critical role of medicines in achieving UHC. The SDGs call for countries to “achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health care … Read more
To learn more about SIAPS program activities worldwide, please read our annual report for program year 6.
Irrational medicine use and poor pharmaceutical management are widespread problems throughout all levels of Sierra Leone’s health system. Misuse, underuse, and overuse of medicines are particularly worrying because they contribute to the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and threaten the effective prevention and treatment of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Recognizing that coordinated … Read more
As part of World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2017, we present a Q&A with Mohan P. Joshi, MBBS, MSc, MD, SIAPS principal technical advisor. Dr. Joshi is responsible for providing technical guidance and support in the planning and implementation of rational medicine use and antimicrobial resistance (AMR)-related activities. Are there new AMR threats that are particularly worrying? … Read more
A presentation by Mohan P. Joshi, Principal Technical Advisor and Lead for Pharmaceutical Services, SIAPS, at USAID in Arlington, VA on November 9 2017.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the world’s most pressing and urgent global health threats —one that could erode gains against tuberculosis (TB), malaria, HIV/AIDS, and many other infectious diseases. While AMR has emerged as a critical issue at the global level, current efforts to address AMR are insufficient to curb its spread. Immediate, cross-cutting, and … Read more
SIAPS is presenting a new webinar, “The Antimicrobial Resistance Challenge: No Room for Complacency”, on Thursday, November 9, at 1:00 pm EST. The recently published guide on building strong coalitions to defeat AMR is available here.
In South Africa, there are numerous governance structures that make crucial decisions about selection, procurement, distribution, and use of medicines, diagnostics, and other pharmaceutical products. A challenge commonly encountered is that critical committees either do not exist or where the committee is in place, it does not function optimally. One of the most underlying causes … Read more