USAID representative’s statement on SIAPS work in the Dominican Republic

From September 2012 to December 2016, SIAPS worked to reform and strengthen the Dominican Republic’s health sector by expanding access to quality health care, detecting TB cases, and improving HIV and AIDS treatment and prevention services.

Using a systemic approach that considered all health system functions and national driving forces, SIAPS was able to put in place an efficient and sustainable strategy to increase access to medicines, deliver fast results, and strengthen the pharmaceutical supply and health system. This included supporting implementation of an Integrated Pharmaceutical Supply Management System (Sistema Único de Gestión de Medicamentos e Insumos (SUGEMI). After nearly 5 years of implementation, the program increased the availability of ARVs from 76% in 2011 to 96% in 2016, and the availability of medicines for non-communicable diseases increased from 71% (2011) to 92% (2016). Toward he end of 2014, it became clear that USAID’s investment was paying off: for each dollar that USAID invested, the Dominican Government could save or mobilize USD 601. (Read a related report here.)

The USAID Health Office Director, Jo Jean Elenes, recognized SIAPS’ work with a statement on August 24, 2017:

 “As the SIAPS Project comes to a close, I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude on behalf of USAID/DR for the great work that you have all accomplished. By establishing SUGEMI, you have provided the Government of the Dominican Republic the ability to provide its people with timely access to essential medications. Your work on the rational use of medications and drug list revisions have led to sweeping changes that are saving the state millions of dollars. With accomplishments too numerous to mention here, we recognize that SIAPS has been a critical contributor to the national HIV response and a key USAID/DR implementer. The project staff we have worked with over the past many years have demonstrated an exceptionally high level of commitment and competence. Thank you again for all that you have done.”
