After a lively welcome reception, 77 participants representing National TB Programs from 15 countries, as well as partners and donors, spent a week learning from each other’s experiences during the 2015 Global TB Conference. The conference, titled “Building the Post-2015 Agenda: Novel Approaches to Improving Access to TB Medicines and Pharmaceutical Services”, was co-hosted by the USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program and the Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility.

A main outcome of the conference was the drafting of the Bangkok Commitments on TB Pharmaceutical Management. Participants jointly developed, committed to, and signed the Bangkok Commitments to support the WHO End TB Strategy.
Additionally, an online forum has been established for some of the key themes highlighted during the conference. To participate, please register using the following link: The themes are listed below:
- Pharmacovigilance
- Logistics management information system/Early warning system
- Public-private mix
- QuanTB
- Patient kit management
- Technical assistance/Resource mobilization
- Inter-country inventory coordination mechanism (ICICM)
More information about the conference, including many of the presentations, is available here.