In Namibia, a preliminary review of EDT records suggests that children form a small proportion of the patients accessing ART in any given setting, nationally composing 8% of the patients on ART in the MoHSS facilities. Over the years, managing children has been complicated with formulations that have not been friendly for children, complicated regimens, and … Read more
Mutenda N, Bukowski A, Nitschke AM, Nakanyala T, Hamunime N, Mekonen T, Tjituka F, Mazibuko G, Mwinga S, Mabirizi D, Sagwa E, Indongo R, Dean N, Jordan MR, Hong SY. Assessment of the World Health Organization’s HIV drug resistance early warning indicators in main and decentralized outreach antiretroviral therapy sites in Namibia. PLOS One. 2016. … Read more
A Bukowski, AM Nitschke, D Mabirizi, E Sagwa, F Tjituka, G Mazibuko, HIV/AIDS, Journal Article, N Hamunime, N Mutenda, Namibia, S Mwinga, T Mekonen, T Nakanyala