Compiled by Wezi Tjaronda (SIAPS), Samson Mwinga (SIAPS), Harriet Kagoya (SIAPS), and Greatjoy Mazibuko (SIAPS) At the Kaisosi settlement in Rundu, Namibia, antiretroviral therapy (ART) patients who were once lost to follow up (LTFU) are returning for care. One of these patients, Domingos Christophine*, a 39-year-old single mother, began ART at the Kuisebmund clinic in … Read more
Archive antiretroviral therapy
SIAPS Cameroon Holds Closing Ceremony Event
SIAPS Cameroon’s Closing Ceremony Event took place on the 25th of August 2016 in Yaoundé. It was chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Profesor Koulla-Shiro, and accompanied by the General Inspector of the Ministry of Health, Professeur Biwole Sida, the US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. David Brownstein, the Permanent Secretary … Read more
Addressing the Unmet Need for ART among HIV+ Women and Newborns in Cameroon through Strengthening the Supply Chain of PMTCT Commodities

The Government of Cameroon and its partners have made major investments in the last decade in prevention, treatment, and care of HIV-infected patients. However, unmet need for antiretroviral therapy (ART) among HIV-positive pregnant women remains high at 66%. Critical to satisfying this need is ensuring adequate availability of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) commodities for … Read more
Pharmaceutical System Strengthening Interventions to Improve Access to Antiretroviral Therapy

The world’s response to the AIDS pandemic of dramatically increased financial assistance to provide affordable medicines for HIV and AIDS did not automatically lead to access to antiretrovirals (ARVs). The effectiveness of these multimillion dollar initiatives was recognized to be limited by the capacity of the health care and pharmaceutical supply systems to deliver these … Read more
October 2013 SIAPS/SCMS/BLC Newsletter

The SIAPS/SCMS/BLC Namibia e-Newsletter is a monthly newsletter that keeps you abreast of activities funded by USAID. Key focus areas are strengthening health systems, capacity building, and human resource development.
Switching ART Patients to Second-Line Regimen

The purpose of the research was to identify the reasons for switching patients from first-line regimens to second-line regimens in the public healthcare setting in Gauteng Province. This study was an observational descriptive study. Randomly selected medical records for patients over 15 years old on second-line ART regimen attending public healthcare facilities in Gauteng’s five … Read more