Engaging the private sector in the implementation of Mali’s national malaria control policy, including the accurate malaria diagnosis and treatment in private-sector pharmacies, remains a significant challenge in the country’s fight against malaria. To strengthen the link between Mali’s National Malaria Control Program (Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme, PNLP) and private-sector pharmacies, USAID’s … Read more
Archive ACTs
Availability, Price, and Affordability of Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapies and Other Antimalarial Drugs in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia: Implication on Universal Access to Malarial Treatments

Malaria is one of the major public health challenges in Ethiopia. Approximately 68% of the population (52 million people) lives in malaria-endemic areas. According to Ethiopian Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) data, 18% of malaria cases reported in Ethiopia are in the Oromia Region. Only two other regions report more cases of malaria: the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and … Read more
Feasibility of Introducing ACTs and RDTs in Private Sector Pharmacies and Medicine Shops in Montserrado County, Liberia: A Qualitative Study

Liberia’s National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) requested that SIAPS undertake a study to explore the feasibility and willingness of private sector pharmacies and medicine shops in the Greater Monrovia and rural Montserrado areas of Montserrado County, Liberia, to perform RDTs and to select appropriate products to recommend for malaria treatment for customers to purchase.